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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                 CONTACT: Kevin Lawlor, 202/225-1880

April 24, 2008                                          www.house.gov/tauscher

House Passes Rep. Ellen Tauscher's COSCO BUSAN Language

Language in Coast Guard Reauthorization Act will prevent accidents similar to November '07 San Francisco Bay oil spill

Washington, DC - Today, The House of Representatives passed the 2008 Coast Guard Reauthorization Act.  Included in this legislation is language authored by Rep. Ellen Tauscher, the senior Northern Californian on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, that authorizes the Coast Guard to issue regulations that require marine bar pilots to carry their own electronic chart devices, known as Portable Pilot Units, when navigating the largest container and tanker ships.  Rep. Tauscher fought for this language to be included on the bill in order to prevent accidents similar to the November 2007 COSCO BUSAN oil spill in San Francisco Bay.

"Including my language in the Coast Guard bill is instrumental in protecting the San Francisco Bay and other waterways that are vulnerable to these types of accidents.  The ecosystem of the Bay is too important not to require the highest marine safety standards," said Rep. Ellen Tauscher.  "Because we were able to pass this legislation people can rest easy knowing that we are doing everything possible to prevent these types of accidents. Accidents, like the COSCO BUSAN spill, are costly and environmentally dangerous but, most of all, they are preventable. My language will help protect our environment against the disastrous effects of ship groundings and oil spills."

The Tauscher language requires the Coast Guard to work with local pilot agencies to determine the need for Portable Pilot Units in each harbor.  It also requires the Coast Guard to promulgate training regulations to ensure that pilots are properly trained to use the devices. Examples of currently used Portable Pilot Units include laptop computers, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), and Personal Digital Assistants (PDA). The language is supported by the San Francisco Bar Pilots' Association

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