[NIFL-HEALTH:4805] EFF Conference

From: Diane Gardner (dgardner@utk.edu)
Date: Wed Sep 14 2005 - 10:09:47 EDT

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You Talked…We Listened!

If you ask anyone associated with the EFF Center for Training and Technical 
Assistance what they’ve been doing the past year, you’re likely to hear a 
common response  we’ve been listening!  That’s right, we’ve been listening 
to you and all of our customers to find out how we can best focus our 
efforts to better meet your needs.

Since EFF was first initiated in 1994, more than 30 states and programs 
have benefited from our work.  We have new and ongoing state initiatives in 
New Jersey, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Washington, DC, and Maine.   We have new 
initiatives planned or in process with many local providers as well -  in 
New York, Michigan, New Mexico, New Jersey, Oregon, DC, Virginia and Texas. 
During the past 11 years, we have learned a lot along the way.  We have 
listened to your concerns and your recommendations.

n       EFF was too confusing --  too overwhelming, particularly for 
part-time teachers.
n       Teachers needed more guidance and user-friendly products to 
implement EFF in the classroom.
n       You wanted curriculum frameworks that more clearly illustrated the 
skills that teachers should be teaching in the context of EFF content 
n       EFF needed to be aligned with NRS-approved assessments.
n       EFF needed some products that would directly link to business and 

You talked, and we listened.  We listened, we adapted, we revised, and we 
created.  Now, we would like to share our results with you!

Announcing the EFF Institute!
December 14  15, 2005
Trump Plaza Hotel     Atlantic City, New Jersey

The EFF Center for Training and Technical Assistance, in partnership with 
the New Jersey State Employment & Training Commission, is planning an EFF 
Institute on December 14  15, 2005 at the Trump Plaza Hotel in Atlantic 
City, New Jersey.  The institute will feature practical strategies and 
techniques at the state and local levels for implementing standards-based 
instruction.  Complete registration information will be forthcoming in the 
near future.  Based on our conversations with many of you, we have some 
ideas on what the institute should include, but we want to make sure we are 
right on target.  We want to ensure that the institute includes the topics 
that you need the most.

Please take just 10 minutes of your time and complete our online survey by 
September 21, 2005.  It’s quick and simple, but it will really help us 
design an institute that’s right for you.  If you are unable to complete 
the survey, please ask a staff member who works with professional 
development and/or curriculum and instruction to respond.

You may respond to the survey by clicking on the following 
URL:  http://www.AdvancedSurvey.com/default.asp?SurveyID=29840

Thank you for your cooperation, and don’t forget….We want to hear from you 

The EFF Institute is supported in part by funding from The UPS Foundation.

Diane P. Gardner
EFF Center
The University of Tennessee
Center for Literacy Studies
600 Henley Street, Suite 312
Knoxville, TN 37996-4135

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