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CRADA Successes

Cooperative Research & Development
“Both the En Core® Sampler and the Accu CoreSampler satisfy EPA Method 5035A designed for preparation of samples containing low concentrations of VOCs.”  Read More...

Cost Saving Solution

“This is a new and important time and cost saving solution for analytical laboratories, since screening can now be performed in minutes rather than by a full, costly exploratory analysis of an extra sample.”  

“The key requirement to making the oxycombustion power plant an option for the electric utility industry is a significant reduction in the cost of supplying oxygen.”  Read More...

“ WRI has demonstrated that precombustion thermal treatment of coal is very promising for the control of mercury emissions when firing subbituminous and lignite coals.”  Read More...WRI

“ appears that the ECO technology has potential for new power plant designs that burn high-sodium lignites but are significantly impacted by the sodium-rich ash.”  Read More...

“Today, hundreds of coal companies, utilities, and energy developers can use information and predictive indices such as PCQUEST to save millions of dollars in repair and maintenance costs attributed to ash deposition and ash formation in utility boilers.”  Read More...Space Shuttle

“Possible fossil energy-related applications for the EERC SiC material include its use in heat exchangers that could produce working fluids at up to 1250°C, automobile engine blocks, turbine shrouds, turbine blades, extremely hard self-lubricating bearings, fuel grinders, and valve liners and for impact protection. However, the material could possibly also be used in two space travel technologies.”  Read More...

“Commercial development of unconventional fuel sources promotes energy independence....Development and future commercialization of the WRITE process adds to the likelihood of successful utilization of this abundant but expensive and difficult to extract fossil fuel resource.”  Read More...

“This one-of-a-kind SCBA PAH database continues to add value as a site characterization tool and has direct application in the evaluation of monitored natural recovery as a remedial strategy for sediments.”  Read More...

“The results of the modeling work indicated a significant reduction of SO3 in the presence of fine the flue gases containing SO3 passed through the APH and ductwork upstream of the ESP, which was corroborated by early field observations at a full-scale utility boiler. This finding provided a unique opportunity to reduce the level of SO3 in the flue gas as it passes through an APH.”  Read More...SEA Technology

“Through significant testing at many power plant test sites, the SEA technology has consistently shown that significantly less AC can be used when combined with SEAs, providing better economics and fewer potential balance-of-plant impacts ... The SEAs are abundant and affordable, resulting in improved economics as compared to using high injection rates of AC or commercially available treated carbons.”  Read More...

Mercury Collage

“The EERC has physically and chemically modified EECT’s inorganic additive technology and performed bench- and pilot-scale optimization efforts to achieve significant Hg removals from the combustion of a high-ash-content (16 wt%) and low-Hg-content (0.04 ppm dry basis) subbituminous coal.”  Read More...

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