eNews - January 16, 2008

This week's eNews includes House Reauthorizes SCHIP Program, Economic Stimulus, and Digital Television Transition

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eNews - January 9, 2008

This week's eNews includes Frelinghuysen Begins Eighth Term in Congress, Receives Major Committee Assignment, Welcomes New Members of New Jersey Congressional Delegation, Supports Israel’s Right of “Self Defense”, Votes Against House Rule Changes, Opposes Increased Litigation, and House to Consider Economic Stimulus Package.

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The Capitol

Inauguration Tickets

Due to the limited number of tickets available and unprecedented levels of demand, Representative Rodney Frelinghuysen's office is no longer accepting requests for tickets to the January 20, 2009 Presidential inauguration ceremonies.  You may want to consider other Inauguration Day events.  Further information can be found at the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies website: www.inaugural.senate.gov .  This website will maintain a schedule of events.

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Rep. Frelinghuysen continues to lead the effort to protect New Jersey’s environment; preserve our vital open space, water, and air; and make our entire region a cleaner and healthier place to live.