Boehner "Internet Freedom Alert"
The below memo went out this morning to the online community and other interested parties:

Washington, Jul 8, 2008 -

From: House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH)

TO:   Online Community & Activists

RE:   An Attack on Internet Free Speech

DATE: July 8, 2008

I'm writing to alert you to an attack on free speech that is making its way through Congress.  This attack, which should concern activists of all political affiliations across the ideological spectrum, comes in the form of a new congressional rule that would prohibit Americans from viewing content published by Members of Congress on websites that are not "approved" by the Committee on House Administration, the panel that creates rules governing the internal operations of the U.S. House.

Millions of Americans today utilize free, unregulated and uncensored websites like YouTube on a daily basis to not only obtain information from their elected leaders about what's going on in their government, but to also give feedback and easily share that information with others. The advent of new media technology has empowered American citizens with real-time information about the policy debates and actions being undertaken by Congress.  This has increasingly forced Congress to become more transparent and made it easier for American citizens to hold their elected leaders accountable.

The Committee on House Administration is considering a new rule that could bring this trend to a screeching halt.  The Committee is considering the adoption of new rules that would require outside websites such as YouTube to comply with House regulations before Members of Congress could post videos on them.  Under the proposal, the House Administration Committee would develop a list of "approved" websites, and Members of Congress could post content only such websites.  The rule has been proposed by the Democratic chairman of the Commission on
Mailing Standards, Rep. Michael Capuano (D-MA), and is being considered for adoption by the Committee on House Administration, chaired by Rep. Robert Brady (D-PA).  A copy of Rep. Capuano's letter is available at

If the proposed rule is adopted, the free flow of information over the Internet between Americans and their representatives will be significantly curtailed.   Americans who currently use free websites like YouTube to obtain uncensored daily information about congressional policy debates will instead be forced to go to websites "approved" by the House Administration  Committee in order to continue getting such information.  This would amount to new government censorship of the Internet, by a panel of federal officials that is neither neutral nor independent. 

House Republicans, led by Reps. Vern Ehlers (R-MI), Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), and Tom Price (R-GA), have expressed their opposition to this attack on Internet freedom and proposed an alternative solution that would allow Members of Congress to continue posting content at sites of
their choosing.  I will continue to keep you updated as this situation unfolds.  For further information, please visit the House Republican Leader website or contact Nick Schaper, my Director of New Media Operations, at

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