12-10-08 Republican Leadership Stakeout

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on December 10th, 2008

Republican Leader John Boehner and Conference Chairman Rep. Mike Pence discuss the House GOP no-bailout alternative for the American Auto industry.

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5 Responses to “12-10-08 Republican Leadership Stakeout”

  1. Julia Says:

    I am disappointed this auto bailout passed in the House of Representatives. And I want you to know that my family owns 2 domestic car dealerships.

    This whole thing is crazy. The House bill did not REQUIRE that the UAW immediately reduce pay scales & benefits to match those of the competitors, Toyota, Honda, etc. That should be foremost of any bill you come up with. It’s a must! It’s imperative to success.

  2. Laura Walker Says:

    Once again, thank you for standing on principle and voting against the bailout. The roll call hit the blogs within minutes of the vote, and I was incredibly proud to see who and how many voted against.

    Let the markets correct. Chapter 11 would not be the end of the world. Anything to get the union tentacles out of our industries!

  3. Greg Says:

    I hate to see things in such bad shape and truly hope that a truly beneficial plan can be worked out.

    Good luck and clear thoughts for all those involved.

  4. Johny Says:

    Julia, it will be a long time tunil it gets to that, I can assure you !

  5. Julia Says:

    This morning the President announced that he was giving the domestic auto manufactures the money they asked for.

    It is a shame that the President did not take this opportunity to address the UAW situation and make that a contingency/requirement of getting this tax payer money. He mentioned it only as a “non-binding” target. Those of us who follow politics know, that means those targets will never be met.

    I see this as only keeping the current status-quo and passing the buck to the next administration. It will not fix the problem……it only extends it a little longer.

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