Republicans Discuss GOP Energy Plan in their Home Districts

Posted by Nick on May 29th, 2008


From Rep. Buck McKeon (CA-25):

Under Democrat Congress, Americans Pay Record Prices at the Pump

SANTA CLARITA – At a press conference today, Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-Santa Clarita) discussed Democrat inaction on the skyrocketing cost of gasoline and the arduous toll the increase is taking on Californians. While visiting the Chevron Gas Station and Auto Spa in Valencia, California, McKeon also highlighted the Republican energy plan. The current average price for regular unleaded is an astounding $3.94 per gallon.

“From the time Democrats first took control of Congress, gas prices have risen more than 60 percent. The ‘Pelosi Premium’ is hitting Americans hard, diminishing their family budgets and forcing them to scale back everything from summer travel to basic necessities. Current gas prices are at record highs, and projections for the future appear to only get worse as long as we stay on the same course. Despite all that, we’ve heard of no solutions from Democrat leadership, nor have we seen any indication that they will change our current course of action. Americans are feeling the squeeze from every direction and are looking to Congress for answers.”

Last week, House Republicans unveiled an energy plan that offers meaningful solutions for American families to increase the supply of American energy, improve energy efficiency, and encourage investment in alternative and renewable energy technologies.

“Republicans recognize that hardworking Americans need relief, and that’s why we have outlined an ambitious agenda to increase American-made energy, bring down gas prices, and move toward energy independence.”


Republican Energy Agenda

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Republicans Discuss GOP Energy Plan in their Home Districts

Posted by Nick on May 28th, 2008

Today from the Toledo Blade:

U.S. Rep. Bob Latta (R., Bowling Green) yesterday waded into the energy policy debate in Congress on the side of expanding access to traditional energy resources - coal, oil, and nuclear power - as well as continuing the quest for alternative energies.

Standing outside an Exxon station with $4.09-per-gallon gasoline for sale at State Rt. 25 and Roachton Road in Perrysburg Mr. Latta said the United States has fallen behind other countries in producing energy that manufacturers need.

He called for energy policy “reform” to allow expanded oil refining and drilling, as well as permitting new nuclear power plants and coal “gasification,” along with more futuristic sources such as wind and solar energy development.

He said he would support drilling in Alaska and offshore, claiming it will take at least 25 years to reduce America’s dependence on oil.

“If Congress would just say we’re going to be proactive and go after the sources we have domestically, that would stop some of the speculation on the world market,” Mr. Latta said. He said that would cause prices at the gasoline pump to fall.

“We’ve got to do something in this country about energy. If we don’t, we’re in trouble. We’re falling behind the rest of the world,” Mr. Latta said.

As Democrats do nothing to stop the skyrocketing price of gas, House Republicans are offering solutions that will increase the production and supply of American made energy while promoting new, clean, reliable energy.


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Key Democrat Says Speaker Pelosi Making “Huge Mistake” by Killing Colombia Free Trade Agreement

Posted by Nick on May 23rd, 2008

Like House Republicans and Newspapers across the country, Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA) understands the devastating impact Speaker Pelosi’s decision to kill the Colombia Free Trade Agreement will have on American workers and families.

From “Democrat urges House vote on Korea, Colombia pacts” (Reuters):

“I think that is a huge mistake. It certainly is an insult to Colombia. I think it would be an insult to South Korea. If you want to vote it down … that’s fine. But to go through all the effort of negotiating an agreement and not vote on it, I have a hard time with that.” - Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA)

At a time when families and businesses are dealing with rising costs of living, the American people expect both parties in Washington to work together to identify new places to sell American products and new avenues to create American jobs.  But Speaker Pelosi’s shameful decision to block a vote on the Colombia Free Trade Agreement makes such cooperation increasingly difficult.  Unfortunately U.S. workers, farmers, businesses, and our closest allies in South America will pay the price as a result.

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Republican Committee RSS Feed

Posted by Nick on May 21st, 2008

Check back each week for a collection of updates from House Committee Republicans. Click on the links below to view the latest news or subscribe.

Committee on Foreign Affairs (RSS)

Ros-Lehtinen Schedules Tuesday Meeting to Urge House Action Legislation to Settle Holocaust-Era Insurance Claims

Ros-Lehtinen Says U.S. Support for Israel a Moral Imperative and Security Necessity; Separately, Ros-Lehtinen to meet with U.S. Security Advisor to Palestinians Gen. Dayton

Ros-Lehtinen to Address Hellenic/Cyprus Conference on Thursday

Ros-Lehtinen Urges Alternative Energy Sources to Counter Rising Oil Prices Warns of Security Ramifications of Allowing Gas OPEC & Nuclear Proliferation

Ros-Lehtinen Statement on Results of UN Human Rights Council Election Results reinforce view that Council is “beyond repair”

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (RSS)

Davis: Waxman Disputes White House Authority Over Executive Branch Agency

Davis Says Government Shows Slight Improvement on Information Security

EPA’s New Ozone Standards

Energy and Commerce Committee (RSS)

Barton Wants Scientists to Allocate Disease Research Funding

Barton Asks Google for More Details on Merger and Privacy Implications

Republicans Release Energy and Climate Principles

Committee on Education and Labor (RSS)

McKeon: Republican Energy Agenda Good for Workers, Families & Schools

Republicans Again Criticize Democrats’ Failure to Take Up Meaningful Immigration Reform

Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure (RSS)

Boozman Statement from Hearing on Legislation to Improve Great Lakes Water Quality

While Energy Prices Climb, Democrats’ Energy Plan Focuses on Biodegradable Spoons & Changing Capitol Dome’s Light Bulbs

LaTourette Statement from Hearing on Coast Guard Marine Casualty Investigation Program

More information on RSS

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Podcast Update

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on May 21st, 2008

Energy Roll Out

Audio from today’s Republican energy agenda press conference can now be found on the House Republican Leader Podcast. If iTunes is installed on your computer, you can click here to subscribe.

MORE: Past episodes and more information on Podcasts

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Democrats Oppose Democrats’ Oppresive Rule

Posted by Nick on May 7th, 2008


Today during debate on House Democrats’ massive $300 billion housing bailout, Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) joined Republicans in asking why the Democratic leadership is so afraid to allow any discussion on alternative ideas (click the above image for video):

… I rise today in reluctant opposition to the rules on both housing bills that are before us because they are not coming up before us in regular order, neither one is an open rule. On such an important subject… the membership should be afforded the respect our offices bestow to represent their people and allowed to amend and be heard in this body.

The Democrat leadership understands that its proposals won’t stand up to those of Republicans - or many of their own members. Unfortunately, it has become apparent that they will continue to deny anyone the right to offer alternatives.

Americans want real bipartisan solutions from Congress, not more payoffs to trial lawyers and scam artists. House Republicans will continue to push for responsible solutions to the housing downturn that keep taxes low, bring transparency to the market, and stand up for Americans who saved and invested responsibly.

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Republican Committee RSS Feed

Posted by Nick on May 7th, 2008

Check back each week for a collection of updates from House Committee Republicans. Click on the links below to view the latest news or subscribe.

Committee on Foreign Affairs (RSS)

Ros-Lehtinen Schedules Tuesday Meeting to Urge House Action Legislation to Settle Holocaust-Era Insurance Claims

Ros-Lehtinen Says U.S. Support for Israel a Moral Imperative and Security Necessity; Separately, Ros-Lehtinen to meet with U.S. Security Advisor to Palestinians Gen. Dayton

Ros-Lehtinen to Address Hellenic/Cyprus Conference on Thursday

Ros-Lehtinen Urges Alternative Energy Sources to Counter Rising Oil Prices Warns of Security Ramifications of Allowing Gas OPEC & Nuclear Proliferation

Ros-Lehtinen Statement on Results of UN Human Rights Council Election Results reinforce view that Council is “beyond repair”

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (RSS)

Davis: Waxman Disputes White House Authority Over Executive Branch Agency

Davis Says Government Shows Slight Improvement on Information Security

EPA’s New Ozone Standards

 Energy and Commerce Committee (RSS)

Barton Wants Scientists to Allocate Disease Research Funding

Barton Asks Google for More Details on Merger and Privacy Implications

Republicans Release Energy and Climate Principles

 Committee on Education and Labor (RSS)

 McKeon: Republican Energy Agenda Good for Workers, Families & Schools

 Republicans Again Criticize Democrats’ Failure to Take Up Meaningful Immigration Reform

Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure (RSS)

Boozman Statement from Hearing on Legislation to Improve Great Lakes Water Quality

While Energy Prices Climb, Democrats’ Energy Plan Focuses on Biodegradable Spoons & Changing Capitol Dome’s Light Bulbs

LaTourette Statement from Hearing on Coast Guard Marine Casualty Investigation Program

More information on RSS

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Podcast Update

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on May 6th, 2008

Podcast_iconAudio from today’s Republican Leadership Stakeout can now be found on the House Republican Leader Podcast. If iTunes is installed on your computer, you can click here to subscribe.

MORE: Past episodes and more information on Podcasts

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Links for May 6, 2008: Democrats’ Broken Promises

Posted by Nick on May 6th, 2008

Democrats Plan Breaking Deficit Discipline Promise Again (AP)

Democrats are finding more excuses to ignore the promise they made when they took over Congress that they wouldn’t pass laws increasing the budget deficit…They’ve already swelled the deficit by $200 billion since December

War funding would break Dem promises (Politico)

In her campaign pamphlet in 2006, which is still posted on the speaker’s website, Pelosi declared that “bills should be developed following full hearings and open subcommittee and committee markups, with appropriate referrals to other committees.”

Democratic leadership aides don’t dispute the fact that the majority has been unable to keep this promise of open committee debate…

Members outraged over flexibility of pay-go rules (The Hill)

“We’re completely overacting,” said Rep. Jim Cooper, a Blue Dog from Tennessee and a senior Democrat on the Budget Committee. “Everything’s an emergency. And an emergency’s a perfect lobbying excuse to get your bill passed that you couldn’t get through in regular order.


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Podcast Update

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on May 1st, 2008


Pelosi Premium

Audio from today’s press briefing (above) can now be found on the House Republican Leader Podcast. If iTunes is installed on your computer, you can click here to subscribe.

MORE: Past episodes and more information on Podcasts

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