On the Fifth Anniversary of Operation Iraqi Freedom

Posted by Nick on March 19th, 2008

From the House Armed Services Committee Republicans:

Rep. John McHugh (R-NY), Military Personnel Subcommittee Ranking Republican:

“It is clear today that we have moved toward a better situation in Iraq, and that is principally because of the work of our men and women in uniform. Their dedication, commitment and sacrifice over the past five years have been a model to the nation, and we owe an enormous debt of gratitude to our service personnel and their families. I am looking forward to General Petraeus’ testimony before the House in early April. I am hopeful we can continue to safely and responsibly bring our troops home without negatively impacting the security of the region.”

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Wash Times Boehner Op-Ed: Broken Promises

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on July 2nd, 2007

“In November, House Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, triumphantly declared that ‘Democrats are prepared to govern and ready to lead.’ She said Democrats would make the 110th Congress ‘the most honest, ethical and open Congress in history.’ That was then.”

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