• On PBS' Newshour, Boehner Warns Against House Democrats' Plan to "Borrow and Spend Our Way Back to Prosperity"
    Jan 16, 2009  - In an appearance last evening on PBS’ Newshour, House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) warned against attempts on Capitol Hill to borrow and spend our way back to prosperity – a failed philosophy at the heart of the economic proposal unveiled yesterday by congressional Democrats.  Rather than s... More
  • On CNBC, Boehner Highlights GOP Plans to Create Jobs for Families & Small Businesses
    Jan 16, 2009  - On CNBC’s Kudlow & Company last night, House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) highlighted Republicans’ ongoing work to craft proposals that let middle-class families and small businesses keep more of what they earn, strengthen the economy without piling mountains of debt on the backs of fut... More
  • Congressional Dems' "Stimulus" Spending Plan: $825 Billion ... and More to Come
    Jan 15, 2009  - Under the guise of economic stimulus, Democratic leaders in Congress are asking taxpayers to pay for more than a half a trillion dollars in spending on government programs and projects that won’t do anything to strengthen our ailing economy.  And House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey (D... More
  • Republican SCHIP Alternative Ensures Program Serves Low-Income Children First
    Jan 14, 2009  - Republicans created the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) in 1997 to provide health insurance for low-income children.  From the outset, the program was focused on needy children, and it has enjoyed bipartisan support in Congress for more than a decade.  On the House floor today, how... More
  • Even During a Recession, Democrats Continue Push for Tax Hikes on Small Businesses
    Jan 13, 2009  - A troubling trend has developed as Democratic leaders in Congress and President-elect Obama’s economic team continue to craft legislation that could be soon considered in the House.  In recent days, an increasing number of Capitol Hill Democrats have spoken out in favor of tax hikes and against tax ... More
  • Democrats Complain There Are "Too Many Tax Cuts" in President-Elect Obama's Economic Plan
    Jan 12, 2009  - As President-elect Obama’s team and Members of Congress continue to craft an economic bill, attention has turned to the amount of tax relief for middle-class families and small businesses that will be in the final proposal.  Sharp divisions have appeared among some Democratic leaders on the issue, w... More
  • On CBS' Face the Nation, Boehner Says Economic Bill Should "Tax Less and Spend Less"
    Jan 11, 2009  - In an appearance this morning on CBS’ Face the Nation, House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) reaffirmed Republicans’ commitment to a recovery plan that does not burden future generations with massive debt that will make long-term economic growth and job creation impossible.  As discussions con... More
  • George Mason University Economist Skeptical of Government Spending as "Stimulus"
    Jan 8, 2009  - President-elect Barack Obama travels to George Mason University today to make a speech on the U.S. economy, in which he will suggest that dramatic increases in government spending on programs and projects are essential to get our nation out of a recession.  But not everyone agrees.  There are plen... More
  • Boehner Underscores Need for Responsible Economic Plan That Does Not Saddle Future Generations with Debt
    Jan 8, 2009  - At a press conference this afternoon with Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) underscored Republicans’ desire to work with President-elect Barack Obama and congressional Democrats on a responsible economic plan on behalf of middle-class famili... More
  • GOP Leaders Underscore Need for Transparency, Accountability in Economic Bill
    Jan 7, 2009  - At a press conference this morning, House Republican leaders discussed the state of the economy and underscored concerns regarding the overall size of the economic stimulus package being discussed in Washington.  While expressing their willingness to work in conjunction with Democrats to help bolste... More