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FEGLI Program Booklet For Federal Employees

General Information

Who Is Eligible?

Most Federal employees, including part-time employees, are eligible for Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (FEGLI). If you have a question about eligibility, see your human resources office. Participation is entirely voluntary. However, if you are eligible, you are automatically covered under Basic insurance, unless you waive this coverage. You will have Optional insurance only if you elect it. Remember, there are strict time limits to elect Optional insurance.

When Does My Coverage Begin?

Basic life insurance coverage for new employees is effective on the first day you are in a pay and duty status in an eligible position, unless you waive this coverage before the end of your first pay period. After your first pay period, you may cancel Basic at any time; the cancellation will be effective at the end of the last day of the pay period in which your human resources office receives your cancellation.

Optional insurance for new employees is effective on the first day you are in a pay and duty status in an eligible position on or after the day your human resources office receives your election. You only have 31 days from the date of your appointment to an eligible position to elect Optional insurance. Your opportunities to enroll in Optional insurance after those 31 days are limited. See page 11.

Pay and duty status means you are not on annual leave, sick leave, donated leave, excused absence, or otherwise absent from duty.

New employees must complete a Life Insurance Election (SF 2817) to cancel Basic insurance or to elect Optional insurance. If you do not complete an election form, you will automatically be covered under Basic insurance only, and your agency will withhold premiums from your pay.

What Is Basic Insurance and How Much Does it Cost?

Basic insurance provides term life insurance at group rates. The Federal Government pays one-third of the cost of your Basic insurance. If you are eligible, you are automatically covered under Basic insurance, unless you waive this coverage.

Your Basic Insurance Amount (BIA) is equal to the greater of (a) your annual rate of basic pay rounded up to the next even $1,000 plus $2,000, or (b) $10,000.

Basic insurance also provides an Extra Benefit to employees under age 45, at no additional cost. This Extra Benefit doubles the amount of Basic insurance payable if you die when you are age 35 or younger. The Extra Benefit decreases 10% each year until there is no Extra Benefit if you die at age 45 or older.

You may use the life insurance worksheet on page 25 to compute your BIA and, if applicable, your Extra Benefit.








* These are the rates through 2005. They may change in future years. For more information, see the FEGLI website at

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