Democrats Failing to Produce Results in the 110th Congress "A new poll gives Democrats mixed reviews, with nearly six in 10 respondents unable to name anything important the new Congress has done."


WHAT THEY'RE SAYING: Democrats' Job Performance

Contract With America (1995) v. Democrats' 'Six for '06' (1997)


National Security

Economy, Workers, & Families

Fiscal Responsibility

Health Care

American Energy Security

Retirement Security



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The first 100 days of a new Congress or a new Presidency have become a standard by which the public can step back, take stock, and examine the effectiveness of a new crop of leaders. The following report takes a look at Democrats’ overall record of failure in the first 100 days of the 110th Congress and the fate of their stalled “Six for ‘06” agenda. Consider these facts:

  • The failed “Six for ‘06” agenda has not seen one bill sent to the President’s desk.
  • Democrats have articulated no long-term agenda or vision for America.
  • American troops in harm’s way lack resources to fight the Global War on Terror.
  • The largest tax increase in history looms over middle class families.
  • Democrats voted to raise drug prices and limit drug choices for seniors, and have ignored the millions of Americans who lack health coverage.
  • America remains woefully dependent on hostile governments for energy supplies.
  • The coming fiscal tsunami of Social Security has been completely ignored.
  • Spending is up, and millions of dollars in special-interest earmarks continue to be added to legislation.
  • And in the words of one publication, Democrats have “lost control of the House floor” at least once.

Does this sound like the record of a party determined to lead?

In many ways, the “new” Democratic majority has simply picked up where the old Democratic majority left off. As we will demonstrate in the following pages, Republicans will continue to lead when and where Democrats do not.

<< CONTINUE READING :: WHAT THEY'RE SAYING: Democrats' Job Performance >>

Report Prepared by the Offices of Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH), Republican Whip Roy Blunt (R-MO), Conference Chairman Adam Putnam (R-FL), and Chief Deputy Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA)