Rangel Bulletin
Charles Rangel, Congressman, 15th District

Contact: Emile Milne (202) 225-4365 May 2005 Vol. 1 No. 2

News from the Office of Congressman Charles B. Rangel

Arthur Ashe Institute Honors Congressman Rangel

Rep. Rangel was the recipient of the “Courage to Care Award” given by the Arthur Ashe Institute for Urban Health (AAIUH). The honor was bestowed upon the Congressman for his commitment to championing legislation that improves health care services and education for minorities and underserved communities such as AIDS funding and Medicare support for New York hospitals. The impact of Rangel’s achievements, according to the Institute, extends well beyond the boundaries of his 15 th Congressional District. “We also decided to salute him for his dedication to international human and civil rights issues such as the current situation in the Sudan ,” said the Institute.

Exterior Memorial Design for African Burial Ground

Congressman Rangel participated in a press conference in lower Manhattan to announce the selection of Haitian-American Rodney Leon as the lead designer who will create the African Burial Ground permanent memorial in New York City . Leon, 36, president and co-founder of the Aarris Architectural Firm, was one of five designers chosen from a field of 61 candidates. His work focused on an exterior memorial befitting the national and international significance of the African Burial Ground. One of the most significant archaeological finds in U.S. history, the Burial Ground stretched more than five city blocks during the 17 th and 18 th Century. It is estimated that 20,000 enslaved and free Africans are buried in the cemetery. Rangel congratulated Leon and said “you have given us a key to our dreams and acknowledgement of our contributions, blood, sweat, tears, and loss of life in the U.S. ”

Rangel Votes No on Bill to Restrict Drivers Licenses for Immigrants

Congressman Rangel voted against a controversial bill to fund the war in Iraq which included the immigration provisions. Rangel believes that the provision which was enacted would impose harsh restrictions on immigrants and asylum seekers, including denial of driver’s licenses for undocumented aliens. The Congressman also rejected the Supplemental Appropriations to protest the exorbitant cost of funding the war in Iraq .

Rangel Wishes Nelson Mandela Well on behalf of Harlem

The Congressman joined in a tribute to former South Africa 's President Nelson Mandela at the Riverside Church in Harlem . The 87-year-old Mandela appeared with his wife, Graca Machel to thank Americans for their support in the successful struggle against apartheid. “Our people will never forget the role you played in liberating our nation and helping in our rebuilding,” he said. “I am here to pay tribute and say thanks to those of you who helped us. Without your support, we would have stood alone for much longer and our country would have sunk deep into the quagmire of civil war and racial conflict,” Mandela declared. Rangel in turn told Mandela, “You have demonstrated to us what the right thing to do is, not only for South Africa but the entire world as well.”

Community Pediatrics Forum

Congressman Rangel was an honored guest at an annual Community Pediatrics Forum sponsored by the Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of New York Presbyterian in Washington Heights . Organizers of the forum used the occasion to highlight strides being made in providing healthcare services for children and families in northern Manhattan . This was made possible as a result of a partnership forged between the Community Pediatrics programs at Columbia Presbyterian and Alianza Dominicana to address the child health issue.

Rangel Spars With President Bush Over CAFTA Agreement

Congressman Rangel and four other Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee signed a sharply worded letter to President Bush, accusing the White House of engaging in “secret horse trading” with different interest groups aimed at winning “narrow passage” of the free trade pact: “We are concerned that instead of bringing your message of freedom into the negotiations with countries involved with the accord and addressing fundamental deficiencies in the CAFTA, your administration is seeking a narrow victory for a flawed agreement through sectoral deals.”

Endorses C. Virginia Fields For Mayor

Cong. Rangel has put his full political weight behind the candidacy of Manhattan Borough President C. Virginia Fields for Mayor of the City of New York . He described Fields as one who has the “unique ability” to bring to the table people from different communities and backgrounds and get them to work toward a common goal. The Congressman also praised Fields for leveraging $2 million from her own Executive Budget into $200 million of public and private investment to redevelop Frederick Douglas Boulevard in Harlem with new affordable housing, neighborhood stores and commercial space. He also said that Fields has made improvement to the city’s public schools her highest priority. “I urge my fellow Democrats to rally behind her in the upcoming Democratic Primary next September,” Rangel declared.

Congressman Rangel endorses DA Morgenthau

Flanked by several leaders of Harlem ’s political leadership, Rangel formally endorsed Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau’s bid for reelection. Rangel cited Morgenthau’s commitment to equal justice for all New Yorkers, and in his lifetime opposition to the death penalty. Rangel was joined in the endorsement by former Mayor David N. Dinkins, former New York Secretary of State Basil Paterson, Manhattan Borough President C. Virginia Fields, and former Manhattan Borough President Percy Sutton.

Endorsement for Inez Dickens

Rep. Rangel made it official that his choice to succeed Bill Perkins on the City Council is Harlem businesswoman Inez Dickens. The Congressman said that Harlem ’s leadership is united in its support for the candidate. “Inez has been an invaluable asset to the economic, political and civic life of Harlem for decades,” he added. “No one is better suited and more prepared to represent District 9 in the City Council than Inez,” Rangel continued.

Rangel Enters Fight to Save Federal Community Block Grant

Congressman Rangel denounced the Bush Administration's plan to drastically reduce funding for the federal Community Block Grant program and vowed to fight in Congress to keep the plan intact. The program funds a wide variety of anti-poverty initiatives. Rangel said the President’s plan specifically targets 18 programs that received $5.3 billion in funding for Fiscal Year 2005. Under Bush’s new initiative, the same programs would be allotted $3.6 billion in 2006. The Block Grant, which the President wants to slash, helps roughly 13 million people every year, targeting those in poverty or near poverty.

Rangel Holds Talks With Visiting Dominican President

The issue of the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) dominated talks between Congressman Rangel and President Leonel Fernandez during the President's visit to New York to lobby for CAFTA. The CAFTA is a multinational deal that will create a free trade zone of unrestricted trading between the U.S. and six nations: Costa Rica , El Salvador , Guatemala , Honduras , Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic . Rangel spearheaded Dominican Republic ’s inclusion due to the significance of trade between the U.S. and that country. Although business interests in the Dominican Republic support the CAFTA, there is substantial opposition from labor and farmers.

Iraq War Veterans Honored in 369 th Parade

Congressman Rangel was a special guest for this year’s event, which honored returning U.S. troops from the battlefield in Iraq . The annual parade is in memory of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. At the parade, Rangel was given the opportunity to personally greet the men and women in uniform and offered support to Harlem ’s veterans community.

Rangel Welcomes UN Envoy to Harlem

Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) was invited to the Metropolitan United Methodist Church in Harlem to introduce Jean Ping, President of the 59 th Session of the UN General Assembly who was a featured guest. Congressman Rangel reflected on the important role the UN is playing in resolving the crisis in Darfur , Sudan . Rangel thanked Ping for all he is doing as head of the General Assembly to address the issue. The standing room only event at the church was sponsored by the United African Congress, an organization that seeks to empower Africans in the U.S. to effectively participate in the American policy process, especially issues that affect their communities, in both the U.S. and on the African continent.

Rangel Blocks Foreclosure at 450 W. 131 st St.

The Congressman took part in a press conference called by St. Phillip’s Convent Avenue Tenant’s Association to celebrate its victory in preventing the foreclosure of the residence at 450 West 131 st in Harlem . The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) placed the property under foreclosure due to poor upkeep and failure to pass numerous inspections. The residents turned to Congressman Rangel for help after HUD began foreclosure proceedings resulting from failed inspections. Under a special arrangement, HUD transferred the title to the 104-unit facility to a newly created entity, the Logan Gardens Housing Development Fund Company, Inc., a local affiliate of the citywide housing group known as (CATCH) Community Assisted Tenant Controlled Housing, Inc.).

Attends CSS Board Meeting

Cong. Rangel was a guest at a monthly board meeting of the Community Service Society (CSS) where he commented briefly on a report released a year ago by the agency. The report cites the gap in unemployment between Black and white men in New York City . Nearly half of Blacks in the city are unemployed. CSS is an independent, nonprofit agency, which for the past 160 years has helped New Yorkers in need to defeat the problem of poverty and strengthen community life for all.

Capital Hill Press Confab on Social Security

Congressman Rangel, ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee was joined at a press conference on Capitol Hill by several leading members of his party to reiterate their strong opposition to President Bush’s Social Security plan, which they say would result in the largest benefit cut for middle income people in the history of the program. It has been estimated that workers earning $60,000 a year, would see their Social Security benefit slashed a whooping 43 percent. Rangel vowed that as long as he is in Congress he would work to prevent anyone from "turning a guaranteed benefit into a gamble" for Americans.

Archie Spigner Post Office Building

Congressman Rangel witnessed the naming of the Archie Spigner Post Office Building in St. Albans , Queens , to honor the former New York City Councilman. Rangel called Spigner a “friend and mentor” and one who was “instrumental in the advancement and uplifting” of many African-American leaders. Rangel credited Spigner with “changing the course of politics” in Southeast Queens . “I feel this is a fitting tribute to our ‘Godfather’ of African-American Politics in Southeast Queens ,” said Rangel.

United Airlines Pension Plan Terminated through Court Action

At a Capitol Hill press conference Congressman Rangel said the termination of the United Airlines Pension Plan underscored the need to preserve Social Security and demanded that the Administration drop its privatization plan which he said would endanger benefits to future retirees. “It’s going to be middle-income people, the same people who are losing their pension benefits, who are going to be denied the benefits that they deserve,” he added.

Memorial Service for Johnnie Cochran at Abyssinian Baptist

Rep. Rangel attended a solemn memorial tribute to the celebrated attorney at the Abyssinian Baptist Church . Rangel praised Cochran, who died last month of brain tumor in California , as a “champion of justice for the poor and downtrodden who saw his greatest court room victories in defending innocent victims against the excesses of police power. Rangel said Cochran also contributed to the economic and business development of Harlem . “ Upper Manhattan was the beneficiary of his leadership and business savvy when he agreed to chair the board of directors of the Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone, “Rangel continued.

Puerto Rico Resident & Income-Source Rules

Rep. Rangel, ranking Democrat on the House Ways & Means Committee voiced his concerns on the topic as follows in a letter to Greg Jenner, U.S. treasury assistant secretary for tax policy: “I would urge you to work closely with the possession governments. I believe they are sincere in their desire to avoid abuses. A more measured and thoughtful approach than what passed the Congress is necessary.”

Rangel Mourns Dr. Kenneth B. Clark, Educator & Scholar

The Congressman said he was deeply saddened by Dr. Clark’s death and paid special tribute to the eminent educator, humanitarian, and civil rights activist with a statement in the Congressional Record. Rangel described Dr. Clark as an “outstanding American whose tireless work helped end racial segregation, raised the educational expectations of generations of African-Americans, and advanced the idea of a truly integrated society.” Rangel called Dr. Clark a “brilliant scholar and teacher” who influenced a generation of social scientists. “He was an activist who sought to bring about the social change required to attain equality of opportunity for African-Americans in our society,” Rangel declared.

Rangel Attends Going Home Service for a Constituent

The Congressman attended funeral services for the Rev. Dr. Alfloyd Alston pastor of Antioch Baptist Church . At the service, Rangel offered an expression of sympathy and a personal remembrance of Rev. Alston who died this month at age 77.

Addresses Graduating Class of SUNY College at Old Westbury

Congressman Rangel urged the 600-member graduating class to never forget to reach out to people “who have not enjoyed the type of support you did.” He also exhorted them to speak their minds to politicians including him and to work for social change. Rangel reiterated his strong opposition to the U.S. led war in Iraq . “Democracy and freedom cannot be gained at the end of a pistol,” Rangel declared, adding that war is not the “way for democracy to be spread.” The Congressman provided his own personal story, telling the graduating class and guests that he was a high school dropout but was inspired by his grandfather, an elevator operator, to pursue his education under the GI Bill after serving in the Korean War.

Funding for the Boys Choir of Harlem

Black Enterprise Magazine Publisher Earl Graves joined Rep. Rangel in co-hosting a fundraiser to help the Boys Choir of Harlem stay in business. The event raised more than $100,000. Rangel said the Boys Choir of Harlem is an American cultural treasure that must be preserved. "The Choir provides the highest return on investment by helping to produce educated, functioning adults who succeed in society," said Rangel.

Rangel Presents John Dewey Award

On behalf of the Teachers Union, Congressman Rangel presented the John Dewey Award on behalf of the teacher’s union to Ravitch, professor of research at New York University . The award is given annually to a person who has demonstrated exemplary leadership in advancing education. Former President Bill Clinton, The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Thurgood Marshall and Rangel are past recipients.

Rangel Visits Cardozo School of Law for a Forum

The Congressman, an opponent of the "unjustified war" in Iraq , talked about the State of America’s national security with emphasis on U.S. taxpayers’ money used by the Bush Administration to help keep the war going.

Bids Farewell to a Former Colleague

Congressman Rangel attended the funeral of former Rep. Peter W. Rodino, Jr. who died of congestive heart failure at his West Orange , NJ home on May 7, at age 95. Rangel said that Rodino was part of a breed of politicians who knew that even the most intense political partisanship was not an excuse to trade cheap, personal insults. “The Congress needs a Pete Rodino now,” said Rangel who served with Rodino on the House Judiciary which voted articles of impeachment against President Richard M. Nixon stemming from the Watergate scandal.

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