House Committee on Education and Labor
U.S. House of Representatives

Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon
Ranking Member

Fiscally responsible reforms for students, workers and retirees.


Labor Issues

Union Democracy

Committee Republicans are committed to ensuring Congress protects the democratic rights and responsibilities of rank-and-file union members, whether it’s giving them better tools to hold union leaders accountable for their actions or ensuring union bosses don’t circumvent current worker protection laws by abusing the secret ballot process on decisions about whether to form a union. 

In the 110th Congress, Committee Republicans will enthusiastically fight Democrat-led efforts to strip an employee of the right to choose – freely and anonymously – whether to unionize, while leaving them open to harassment, intimidation, and union pressure.  Committee Republicans also will work to protect the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA), a 1996 law designed to serve as the first line of defense against union corruption.  It requires union leaders to disclose certain information to union members about their democratic rights, including information about member union dues and how they are spent, financial audits, strike authorizations, contract ramifications, member disciplinary procedures, the election and removal of union officers, and other democratic rights.

Press Releases

Card Check Spending Spree (January 15, 2009)

Secretary of Labor: “Our Workers Deserve Secret Ballots” (January 14, 2009)

Card Check is Just the Beginning…Part II (January 13, 2009)

Please click here for more Press Releases

Member Views

In Case You Missed It … Coercion Has No Place in Votes to Form Unions (January 16, 2009)

In Case You Missed It … Secret Ballot Hypocrisy (January 9, 2009)

Fact Sheets

MYTH vs. FACT: The So-Called “Employee Free Choice Act” (February 26, 2007)

The So-Called “Employee Free Choice Act” Undermines Democracy and Workers’ Rights: The Top Ten Reasons Why It Must Die in Congress (February 26, 2007)

The Employee Free Choice Act: Ending Private Ballot Elections, Making a Worker’s Private Vote Public (February 26, 2007)

Dear Colleagues

Oppose Costly Trial Lawyer Giveaway (January 7, 2009)

"Thank the Lord" for Secret Ballots (November 19, 2008)

USA Today Exposes "Misguided" Card Check Bill As "Undermining Democratic Principles" (October 16, 2008)

Please click here for more Dear Colleagues

Left Turns

Card Check Controversy: Even Democrats are Split (December 19, 2008)

Democrat Rules Committee Chair: “Thank the Lord” for Secret Ballots (November 19, 2008)

Does ANYONE Outside the Beltway Support the Undemocratic Card Check Bill??? (March 1, 2007)

Please click here for more Left Turns

Committee Statements

Kline Statement: Hearing on “The National Labor Relations Board: Recent Decisions and Their Impact on Workers’ Rights” (December 13, 2007)

McKeon Statement: Markup of H.R. 980, the "Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act" (June 20, 2007)

Kline Statement: Hearing on H.R. 980, the "Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act of 2007" (June 5, 2007)