News Center

Boehner: “This Was a Bipartisan Rejection of a Partisan Bill”
“This was a bipartisan rejection of a partisan bill. Families and small businesses across America are struggling, and they are counting on their leaders in Washington for ways to strengthen our economy. House Republicans want to work with congressional Democrats on legislation that fulfills the goal set by President Obama: crafting a bipartisan plan focused on job creation. Unfortunately, the trillion dollar government spending bill before the House today was not that plan, and a bipartisan coalition of Members rightfully rejected it."
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Weekly Update

Let's Increase Family & Small Business Spending, Not Bloated Government Spending
By: Rep. John Boehner
The goals of any economic recovery package should be job creation, job preservation and spurring consumer spending. We need to let people keep more of the money they earn. We need to lower tax rates so that families and businesses can invest their money or save it, both of which are good for our economy.
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GOP No-Bailout Auto Industry Alternative

Click here to read House Republicans’ proposal to help make the Big 3 competitive again while protecting taxpayers and helping workers and their families.

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