• On PBS' Newshour, Boehner Warns Against House Democrats' Plan to "Borrow and Spend Our Way Back to Prosperity"
    Jan 16, 2009  - In an appearance last evening on PBS’ Newshour, House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) warned against attempts on Capitol Hill to borrow and spend our way back to prosperity – a failed philosophy at the heart of the economic proposal unveiled yesterday by congressional Democrats.  Rather than s... More
  • On CNBC, Boehner Highlights GOP Plans to Create Jobs for Families & Small Businesses
    Jan 16, 2009  - On CNBC’s Kudlow & Company last night, House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) highlighted Republicans’ ongoing work to craft proposals that let middle-class families and small businesses keep more of what they earn, strengthen the economy without piling mountains of debt on the backs of fut... More
  • Boehner: High-Quality Investment Advice a Reality for Workers, Retirees, and Their Families
    Jan 16, 2009  - House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today issued the following statement after the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) announced approval of regulations implementing independent investment advice provisions a bipartisan majority in Congress passed on behalf of workers and retirees in Augus... More
  • House GOP Leaders Update President-Elect Obama on Economic Recovery Working Group Hearing
    Jan 16, 2009  - House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH), Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA), and Conference Chairman Mike Pence (R-IN) sent a letter last evening to President-elect Obama summarizing the testimony received at yesterday’s hearing by the House Republican Working Group on Economic Recovery.  The hearing was a... More
  • Boehner Hails Final Administration Steps to Allow Off-Shore Energy Exploration
    Jan 16, 2009  - House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today issued the following statement on the Bush Administration’s decision to allow for energy production in previously closed-off areas of the Outer Continental Shelf: “I commend the Administration’s decision to take this critical step toward an ‘all ... More
  • TARP Flies 'Off the Rails' (Boehner Op-Ed in USA Today)
    Jan 15, 2009  - The American people deserve an exit strategy from the taxpayer-funded Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) — an exit strategy aimed at getting the federal government out of the private sector. But what Treasury officials are offering instead is an escalation, placing taxpayers on the hook for anothe... More
  • Boehner Opening Statement: GOP Working Group Hearing on Economic Solutions
    Jan 15, 2009  - "Welcome, Governor Romney, Ms. Whitman, and all who are attending or watching.  I want to thank Eric Cantor, our whip, for putting together this hearing and doing a stellar job leading our working group on economic solutions.  I also want to thank the thousands of Americans participating in this pro... More
  • Boehner Statement on Congressional Democrats’ Economic Spending Proposal
    Jan 15, 2009  - House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today issued the following statement after congressional Democrats released their economic spending proposal: “This is the first time Republicans and the American people have seen any specifics on the proposal congressional Democrats intend to pass, and... More
  • Congressional Dems' "Stimulus" Spending Plan: $825 Billion ... and More to Come
    Jan 15, 2009  - Under the guise of economic stimulus, Democratic leaders in Congress are asking taxpayers to pay for more than a half a trillion dollars in spending on government programs and projects that won’t do anything to strengthen our ailing economy.  And House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey (D... More
  • Boehner Thanks Republican Study Committee for Developing Economic Proposals
    Jan 14, 2009  - House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today released the following statement thanking the Republican Study Committee and its chairman Tom Price (R-GA) for developing a series of economic recovery proposals:   “The American people are looking to Washington for help in getting our economy grow... More