Boehner: Farm Bill Tax Hike Would Jeopardize Millions of Jobs for America’s Working Families

Washington, Jul 27, 2007 -

Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following statement opposing the Farm Bill loaded up with tax hikes that could threaten 5.1 million American jobs, including 203,000 jobs in the state of Ohio:

“The tax hike in the Democrats’ Farm Bill jeopardizes the jobs of millions of working families by driving American jobs out of the country. At a time when China, India and Russia are opening their doors to expand their economies and attract investment, these tax hikes send the signal to every potential investor in the global economy that it’s not worth the hassle to invest in America.”

“Moreover, this Farm Bill it is not significantly different from the 2002 law, which I strongly opposed. This is not the innovative and reform-oriented Farm Bill that American farmers and taxpayers deserve. There is little in the way of reform the Administration sought, and we can do better.”

NOTE: The state of Ohio could lose more than 200,000 jobs if Democrats succeed in raising taxes on international companies that “insource” jobs to the U.S., according to data compiled by the Ohio Department of Development and the Organization of International Investment. A list of employers in the United States likely to be impacted by the Democrats’ sneak attack tax hike can be found at:


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