National Youth Employment Coalition
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NYEC EDNet Second Edition

Criteria and Self-Assessment for Alternative Education  

NYEC Education Development Net (EDNet) is a tool for continuous improvement for education programs and schools serving vulnerable youth.  Developed with support from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, NYEC EDNet consists of detailed criteria identified as common to effective education programs and schools by a national working group of educators, practitioners, policymakers and researchers; and a comprehensive self-assessment that can assist education programs and schools improve their services and also inform policymakers, funders and the public about what works for youth. 


The NYEC EDNet Criteria are divided into three categories:

      1) Teaching and Learning

      2) Essential Supports, Opportunities, and Services

      3) Purpose, Organization and Management.


The objectives of the Criteria and Self-Assessment Tool are:

  • To inform and improve instruction for vulnerable youth;
  • To assist educators, practitioners and administrators;
  • To build a knowledge base and field of community-based/alternative education;
  • To collect better and more information in order to create better policies and resources for youth;
  • To create more options to achieve; and
  • To better prepare youth for post-secondary education, careers and training.

NYEC EDNet: Second Edition is available online. Please register to download a free PDF version of the tool.


For more information about NYEC EDNet please contact Nancy Martin, Director, Capacity Building Initiatives, or Christina Weeter, Policy Associate, 

