National Youth Employment Coalition
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Expanding and Financing Education Options

 for Struggling Students and Out-of-School Youth


The National Youth Employment Coalition (NYEC), with support from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation of New York, is helping states, local communities, and education systems to serve struggling students and out-of-school youth.


State Profiles

In October 2008, NYEC released the report Financing Education Options for Struggling Students and Out-of-School Youth in Michigan: Report and Recommendations for State Policy which highlights the challenges facing at-risk and disconnected youth in the region, as well as strategies for connecting those young people to educational opportunities. 

NYEC's newest publication, Expanding Options: State Financing of Education Pathways for Struggling Students and Out-of-School Youth (2008),
explores how Indiana, Massachusetts, and North Carolina have created policies and funding streams to support a variety of secondary education options for
young people.

Click on a link below to download a PDF version of the Introduction, individual state profiles, or to register to download a free copy of the full report:

NYEC's Financing Alternative Education Pathways:  Profiles and Policy (2005) highlights how alternative education schools and programs access state and local education funds in Wisconsin, Oregon, Ohio, Arizona, New York, Texas, Virginia, California and Illinois. Funding Alternative Education Pathways: A Review of the Literature examines how alternative education pathways are funded. 

Click on a link below to download a PDF version of the Executive Summary or to register to download a free copy of the full report:



NYEC is hosting cross-site Learning Exchanges for local and state leaders interested in developing community expertise and capacity to increase education options for struggling students and out-of-school youth. NYEC Learning Exchanges offer local and state leader teams an opportunity to step out of their day-to-day context to learn about exemplary policies, practices, and programs; participate in peer-to-peer exchanges with their counterparts in other cities and states; and engage in substantive policy discussions with national experts on secondary school reform, youth development, and workforce development. NYEC is documenting promising strategies and policies shared at the Learning Exchanges in a final report designed to inform state and federal policy.

For more information please contact Nancy Martin, Director, Capacity Building
Initiatives, or Christina Weeter, Policy Associate,
