National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1351] Re: Language Acquisition & Technology

akira at boston sabes akira.kamiya at
Thu Oct 11 14:00:41 EDT 2007

Hi Melinda,
Funny you ask this...
I am right now doing some research on a related topic.

I have found this book to be excellent.
Teaching Every Student in the Digital Age / Universal Design for Learning
David H. Rose and Anne Mayer

In fact a lot of the book is on line on the CAST website
Center for Applied Special Technology

See this link
its got the text of the book

And more generally

it ties together a lot of good congitive science and research to practical
class room examples.

- ak


Adult Literacy Resource Institute
Computer Field Technologist - Greater Boston

Tel 617-287-4075
The people have the power... to wrestle the earth from fools
-Patti Smith

On 10/11/07 1:12 PM, "Melinda Thomsen" <mthomsen at> wrote:

> Does anyone have any suggestions on articles about ESL acquisition and

> technology learning?

> I tried ERIC and had trouble finding anything. It seems that from my

> classes,

> students make a lot of progress in their communication skills when

> the course includes technology, like Mp3 players, blackboard

> classrooms, etc. so I am wondering if language acquisition and technology

> are complimentary skills...


> Thank you,

> Melinda Thomsen


> Melinda Thomsen

> Vocational English Instructor

> Center for Immigrant Education and Training

> Room C233

> LaGuardia Community College

> 31-10 Thomson Avenue

> Long Island City, NY 11101

> 718-482-5029

> 718-609-2001 fax

> mthomsen at






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