National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1248] Upcoming Discussion: Project-Based Learning as Professional Development

Taylor, Jackie jataylor at
Tue Aug 28 15:41:42 EDT 2007

Dear Colleagues:

The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List is pleased
to host a guest discussion next week on Project-Based Learning as
Professional Development ( Please see below
for details.

- Sound interesting? We're happy to have you join us! Visit:

Best wishes, Jackie Taylor


Title: Project-Based Learning as Professional Development

Date: September 4 - 11, 2007

Guest: Heide Spruck Wrigley, Senior Researcher, LiteracyWork

Resources for Discussion:

To participate, subscribe:

To submit questions for discussion, email: jataylor at


I. Description:

Join the Adult Literacy Professional Development List to explore and
share innovative practices in Project-Based Learning (PBL) as
Professional Development. Guest participant Heide Spruck Wrigley will
share her experiences with successful professional development models
focused on PBL. A team of teachers who have facilitated student-projects
in their classes will actively participate, share their professional
development experiences, and offer practical advice on implementing
projects. We hope you will join us and share your work.

Discussion topics include:

* Essential elements of project-based learning
* Exploring the value added of project-based learning in ESOL and
* Examples of successful professional development models focused
on project-based learning
* Myths and realities: Is project-based learning time well-spent?
* Evidence from research and practice
* Assessments in project-based learning and student performance
* How to get started in project-based learning

This discussion introduces the PD List's Topic-of-the-Month: Keys to
Communities of Practice.

II. Guest Discussion Biography

Heide Spruck Wrigley has been involved in all aspects of adult literacy,
including family literacy, workplace literacy, adult ESL, EL civic and
transition to higher education. Her work focuses on the intersection of
policy, research, professional development, and classroom practice. She
is currently a (non-resident) fellow with the Migration Policy
Institute, a non-partisan Think Tank in Washington, D.C. and is
finishing up a research and materials development project for
Youth-at-Risk outside of Vancouver, British Columbia.

Her staff development work around project-based learning includes a 3
year consultancy with Project IDEA, a Texas state wide Master Teacher
project focused on PBL and a five year ongoing professional development
project with teachers in Socorro, Texas. Her PBL work includes an
emphasis on putting low and high end technology in the hands of learners
(tape recorders, PowerPoint, digital cameras, video cameras) and
creating learner showcases for the demonstration of these projects to a
wider community of parents, teachers, and learners.

Heide has been key in a number of U.S. national research studies focused
on ESL literacy, but she has also been involved with ABE programs, youth
literacy programs and with the Adult Literacy Media Alliance (TV 411).
Her international work includes evaluations of teacher training programs
in Poland and in Egypt, staff development in China, and presentations in
Canada, Ireland, New Zealand and in the UK. When she's home, Heide
lives in Mesilla, a small town in Southern New Mexico, an hour from the
US Mexico border.

III. Preparation for Discussion

Project-Based Learning and Professional Development

Practical Ideas

Research to Practice

(a) ; (d)

(c); (f); (e)

(a); (b); (g); (h)

(a) Research in Action: Teachers, Projects, and Technology

-- Project-Based Learning and Professional Development

(b) Knowledge in Action: The Promise of Project-Based Learning

Focus on Basics, v.2 Issue D

-- From Research to Practice

(c) Border Program Develops Model for State

Socorro Independent School District implements three-year demonstration
project <>

-- Examples of lesson plans and projects from Socorro, TX

(d) From Low-Tech to High-Tech: Promising Practices in Integrating
New Media into Adult Literacy and ESL

-- Examples of Projects that Integrate Technology

(e) Teachers Writing about Their Experience with PBL

Project-Based Learning: Don't Dictate, Collaborate!

Lights, Camera, Active Learning! Enhancing ESL Instruction Through Video

(f) Less Teaching and More Learning: Turning from traditional
methods to project-based instruction, the author found that her students
learned more

-- Susan Gaer's article and the terrific website for both interactive
computer-based learning and student web projects

* Article

* Website for E-Mail Projects

(g) Problem-Based or Project-Based: Is there a big difference and
what's appropriate for my class?

Project-Based and Problem-Based: The same or different?

Problem-based Learning and Adult English Language Learners

(h) Project-Based Learning

-- A Compendium of Ideas and Reports on the Adult Literacy Education

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