National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1088] NEW from National Commission on Adult Literacy

Gail Spangenberg gspangenberg at
Mon Jun 18 15:24:46 EDT 2007

NEWS RELEASE - June 18, 2007, NYC -- The National Commission on Adult
Literacy is today releasing FORCES CHANGING OUR NATION'S FUTURE,
another of the presentations given at its second meeting on April 17,
2007. This document, 44 pages long, was prepared by labor economist
Andrew Sum of Northeastern University, a member of the National
Commission. Dr. Sum is Professor and Director, Center for Labor
Market Studies at Northeastern University. The resource is based on
research findings from THE PERFECT STORM (Educational Testing
Service, March 2007) which Dr. Sum co-authored along with Irwin
Kirsch and other ETS researchers. It also draws on a number of other
studies. The publication includes an Author's Introduction and
Executive Summary and 30 graphs and tables. It examines the
comparative performance of U.S. adults and youth on international
literacy assessments, the importance of literacy/numeracy
proficiencies for labor market success, and the projected outlook for
literacy proficiencies of US. adults. The document is available in
PDF form from the website of the Council for Advancement of Adult
Literacy (CAAL manages the Commission project). It may also be
purchased directly from CAAL in bound form ($25 plus postage, contact
bheitner at for ordering instructions).

The following publications from the Commission are also available
from the CAAL web site,

DARE TO DREAM: A Collection of Papers from a Resource Group of 102
Education and Literacy Professionals;

MOUNTING PRESSURES Facing the U.S. Workforce and the Increasing Need
for Adult Education and Literacy (prepared by executives of the
National Center for Higher Education Management Systems);

Four Lay-of-the-Land Papers on The Federal Role in Adult Literacy
(Lennox L. McLendon, Garrett Murphy, James Parker).

Council for Advancement of Adult Literacy
1221 Avenue of the Americas - 46th Fl
New York, NY 10020
212-512-2363, F: 212-512-2610

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