News Release
Charles Rangel, Congressman, 15th District

May 19. 2008
Contact: Emile Milne | Elbert Garcia 
(202) 225-4365 | (212) 663-3900


Over 1200 Pack Canaan Baptist Church to Hear the Legendary Activist 

NEW YORK - Congressman Charles Rangel joined over 1200 congregants and visitors on Sunday, May 18 to Canaan Baptist Church (132 W 116th St, New York) to witness the return of civil rights legend Reverend Dr. Wyatt Tee Walker to the pulpit as part of the 76th anniversary celebration of the famed Harlem church.

Rev. Dr. Walker, a local and national theologian and civil rights leader who once served as chief of staff to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, had not preached since his retirement five years ago - when medical conditions caused him to curtail his schedule.

"It was a joy to see him back up there," said Congressman Rangel. "He has meant so much to the cause of justice, spending his life putting into action the lessons of non-violence and social activism to help those in need, not just in Harlem, but all around the world."

An exuberant musical salute by the Canaan Baptist Church of Christ Mass Choir greeted the Rev. Walker as part of a special tribute of love, respect, and dedication that recalled his devotion to God, his Church and the fight for civil rights and against social and economic injustice everywhere. Letters by Governor David Paterson and Mayor Michael Bloomberg were read, while greeting by City Council Speaker Christine Quinn and City Council Majority Whip Inez Dickens were also acknowledged.

Congressman Charles Rangel poses with Rev. Wyatt T. Walker (center), his wife Theresa Ann (left), and current Canaan Baptist Church Pastor Thomas D. Johnson (right).[ credit: Wyzmenn Media Group.]

Congressman Charles Rangel poses with Rev. Wyatt T. Walker (center), his wife Theresa Ann (left) and current Canaan Baptist Church Pastor Thomas D. Johnson (right).[ credit: Wyzmenn Media Group.] 

Congressman Charles Rangel poses with Rev. Wyatt T. Walker (center), his wife Theresa Ann (left) and current Canaan Baptist Church Pastor Thomas D. Johnson (right).[ credit: Wyzmenn Media Group.]

In his sermon, Rev. Walker touched on a wide range of issues, from reminding the congregation to follow the commandments and to support their church to the current injustice of the Sean Bell verdict. He also spoke about his excitement over the presidential candidacy of Barack Obama and how pleased he was to see his old pastoral home carrying Christ's mission under Pastor Thomas D. Johnson.

Above all else, he reminded them all to continue to be advocates for social justice, a timeless message that Congressman Rangel said was especially relevant these days.

"Every day that we are on this earth, we have a chance to not just be a part of history, but to make history," said Rangel. "Rev. Walker is proof positive that one person can not only make a difference in people's lives, but inspire a countless cavalry of change makers."


2354 Rayburn House
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-4365

163 W. 125th Street #737
New York, NY 10027
(212) 663-3900

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