News Release
Charles Rangel, Congressman, 15th District

July 11, 2007
Contact: Emile Milne | Elbert Garcia 
(202) 225-4365 | (212) 663-3900


Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement upon the death of former First Lady Lady Bird Johnson, who passed away at the age of 94 on July 11, 2007 at her home in Austin, Texas.

"The nation lost a beloved friend and one of its most dedicated environmentalists Wednesday when Lady Bird Johnson passed away at the age of 94.

Much has been written about how the classy woman from Austin was a calming influence on our 37th President, Lyndon B. Johnson. When President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, Lady Bird stepped in and provided comfort to the Kennedy family and a grieving nation. When civil rights legislation looked to be stalled in the Congress in 1964, the devoted mother of two took to the road on her own whistle-stop tour across the country, defending the Administration's policies and goals.

However, her most lasting legacy can be seen anytime you watch see the flowers bloom in the Capital or the colorful landscapes as you travel the nation's roads. In addition to leading clean-up efforts of parks and natural habitats in and around the D.C. area, her advocacy helped push through the $320 million dollar Highway Beautification Act in 1965. The federal legislation provided money and other incentives to reduce the number of billboards and other eye sores along federal highways and expanded local programs to plant wildflowers and other native plants.

Active well into her 90s, Lady Bird Johnson was a role model for future generations. She broke the mold of what a First Lady could do, both during and after the White House. Her achievements and efforts with the National Wildlife Research Center that she helped establish in 1982 expanded the nation's interest in the environment, providing a foundation for today's current green movement.

Her activism and graceful presence will be missed. Yet, her smile and charm will always be remembered any time anyone looks at the beautiful landscapes and wildflowers that she championed all across this great land."


2354 Rayburn House
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-4365

163 W. 125th Street #737
New York, NY 10027
(212) 663-3900

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