News Release
Charles B. Rangel, Congressman, 15th District

February 5, 2007
Contact: Elbert Garcia / Emile Milne
(212) 663-3900 / (202) 225-4365


IRS Commissioner Everson, NYC Consumer Affairs Commissioner Mintz & City Council member Inez Dickens Join the Congressman In Getting the Word Out about the Earned Income Tax Credit

NEW YORK - Rep. Charles B. Rangel urged New Yorkers to take full advantage the Earned Income Tax Credit, as he kicked off tax filing season Monday morning with IRS Commissioner Mark W. Everson, NYC Consumer Affairs Commissioner Jonathan Mintz and local City Council member Inez Dickens. The officials were on hand to greet and answer questions as nearly 100 people gathered for a tax education forum with local community groups at the Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. State Office Building. "The Earned Income Tax Credit helps bring a sense of equity to the tax collection system," said Congressman Rangel. "If you work every day, you are entitled to dignity instead of having to apply for welfare. This credit helps people hold onto money they’ve earned through hard work and daily sacrifices."

Commissioner Everson agreed, saying that low income families deserved a boost as they reach for the American Dream.

"The Earned Income Tax Credit can transform people's lives,” said Commissioner Everson. “At the IRS, we want all eligible taxpayers to claim this benefit. My thanks go to Congressman Rangel, Mayor Bloomberg and the New York City volunteers for all their hard work and support of this program.”

Created in 1975 with the help of Rep. Rangel, the EITC has proven to be one of the most effective programs for transitioning from welfare to work and lifting more than 5 million workers and families each year of poverty. While more than 22 million tax return filers received over $41 billion in EITC benefits, the IRS estimates that as many as 25 percent of eligible taxpayers nationwide fail to claim the credit.

Commissioner Mintz encouraged New Yorkers to utilize the city's 311 system to find out more information about their rights and benefits as taxpayers.

“Over the past five years, the Bloomberg Administration has led the country’s most comprehensive EITC campaign," said Commissioner Mintz. "Housed in Department of Consumer Affairs’ new Office of Financial Empowerment, the City’s EITC campaign is an integral part of Mayor Bloomberg’s expanded commitment to fighting poverty by helping families and individuals with low incomes move toward financial stability."

City Council Majority Whip and local representative Inez Dickens applauded the efforts across all levels of government to return money to those who need it the most.

"The average income in my council district is $15,000 which means that most of my families qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit. But in Harlem, close to 50 percent of eligible families fail to claim it," said Dickens.

Congressman Rangel said that he looked forward to expanding outreach efforts by the IRS, community groups, and businesses, and to working with the IRS to reform the tax system for the benefit of all Americans.

"People politically don't want to touch the current system because there is a lot of pain in correcting the tax code. This Commissioner is in position of doing something about it and I am in a position to work with him and will," said Rangel. "Now, none of us are going to get any awards for reforming the system. But I look forward to working with him because if we work together -- if we touch this third rail together -- we could make a system that is more equitable and one that people would feel more comfortable complying with. That would be an historic accomplishment not just for the Harlems around the nation, but for every single American that earns a paycheck. The EITC benefits workers and their families in all areas of the country, including those living in rural America."


2354 Rayburn House
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-4365

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