News Release
Charles Rangel, Congressman, 15th District

May 9, 2008
Contact: Elbert Garcia (Rangel):(212) 663-3900
Joe Soldevere (Maloney): 212-860-0606
Shin Inouye(Nadler): 202-225-5635
Craig Donner (Fossella): 718-356-8400
Shrita Sterlin (Towns): 202-225-5936
Joseph O’Brien (Engel): 718-796-9700
Jordan Goldes (Ackerman): 718-423-2154
Chic Smith (Clarke): 202-225-6231
Gail O’Connor (Velázquez): 202-226-3636
Meghan Dubyak (Israel): 202-225-3335
John Collins (Weiner): 718-520-9001

Bush Administration Flouts Congressional Directives to Help Americans Sick From 9/11

WASHINGTON - Ten bipartisan New York Members of Congress today sharply rebuked a new report by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on the status of the federal government’s response to the health impacts of the 9/11 attacks.

HHS’s report (click here for a full copy), which was requested by Congress in the FY 2008 federal Labor-HHS appropriations bill, revealed that the Bush Administration has no plans to spend congressionally-approved funding to treat and monitor lower Manhattan residents, area workers, students and others who were exposed to the toxic aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. In addition, HHS failed to provide, again as requested by Congress, a “long-term, comprehensive federal plan for monitoring, screening, analysis and medical treatment for all individuals who were exposed to the toxins at the World Trade Center site.”

Reps. Carolyn Maloney, Jerrold Nadler, Vito Fossella, Edolphus Towns, Eliot Engel, Charles Rangel, Gary Ackerman, Yvette Clarke, Nydia Velázquez, Steve Israel, and Anthony Weiner issued the following joint statement in response to HHS’s report:

“We have a moral responsibility to help those whose lives were shattered by the terrorist attacks on our country. It was bad enough that the Administration fought our efforts to care for Americans who are sick from 9/11. Now they’re ignoring Congressional orders to provide a comprehensive, long-term plan.

“Last year, Congress approved funding to treat and monitor area residents, workers, students and others who were exposed to Ground Zero toxins. All the administration needs to do is start spending this money, but as usual they’re dragging their feet. Today, we’re calling on the administration to get this money flowing and finally come up with a serious plan to address the 9/11 health crisis.”

The lawmakers also expressed their concerns in a letter dated today to HHS Secretary Michael Leavitt. "This report is simply not acceptable," wrote the group. "It ignores both Congress’ directions and the needs of those who are sick as a result of the WTC attacks."

Click here to see a copy of the letter.


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