National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1289] Re: Building rapport

David J. Rosen djrosen at
Mon Sep 17 14:04:05 EDT 2007

Hello Meredith,

On Sep 17, 2007, at 12:39 PM you wrote:

> I miss being able to see the actual act of writing; the starts and

> the rewrites. I wish there was a way for students to hit a

> "record" button on their word processors, and for these files to be

> shared, so you could see their writing process.


> Meredith


> Meredith Hutchings

> Curriculum Consultant

> NS Department of Education

> hutchidm at

> For more information about NSSAL:

There is a way if students have access to the Web. Each student
could go to her or his own (free) wiki page, for example to the
Writing Together Wiki pages at:

Each time a student saves a page it is saved forever as a separate
version. To see these versions the student -- or anyone -- can select
the "history" link at the bottom of the page. Here's an example:

or, for short,

David J. Rosen
djrosen at


>>>> <jennfwms at> 9/16/2007 6:56 PM >>>

> Hi All:


> My name is Jennifer Williams and I recently started my first on-

> line course.?The instructor asked that we each create a website

> that described different things about ourselves and included? a

> picture. A link was created from our class page to the websites. It

> was a really great way to?actually connect a face with a name.


> Hope that is helpful.



> Jennifer Williams

> GA State University



> Hi Meredith,


> I'm glad you had a chance to look at the self-assessments. I like

> your idea of having students write pride stories. I'm guessing you

> mean by that they write about an accomplishment or something in

> their life they are proud of. Do they share those with the other

> students in the class, or only with the instructor?


> I wonder what strategies other distance teachers have for building

> rapport without face to face contact.


> For those who are wondering, there are two self-assessments on the

> AdultEd Online site, One is about teaching

> at a distance, and the other is about using technology in the

> classroom. Meredith refers to the distance teaching self-assessment.


> Marian

> The Technology and Literacy Discussion List <technology at>

> on Friday, September 14, 2007 at 5:58 AM -0800 wrote:

> Hi Marian,


> Thanks for making the change to the login.


> I like the tool and especially the emphasis and straight forward

> messaging about the importance of establishing a relationship in

> distance ed courses. ?


> For the last few years, I have been teaching an online portfolio/

> business communication course with military students. ?I found the

> fastest way to build the kind of rapport that you build in the

> classroom is through asking students to write pride stories. ?

> Students send me their brainstorm list as well as their completed

> story. ?Seems to be a great way to quick start a respectful

> relationship.


> Meredith ?



> Meredith Hutchings

> Curriculum Consultant

> NS Department of Education

> Skills and Learning Branch

> Adult Education Division

> 4th Floor, 2021 Brunswick St.

> P.O. Box 578

> Halifax, NS B3J 2S9

> (902) 424-1881 phone

> (902) 424-1171 fax

> hutchidm at

> For more information about NSSAL: http://


> 1-877-go-NSSAL (1-877-466- 7725)

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