National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1173] The ALE Wiki Technology pages need your help

David J. Rosen djrosen at
Fri Jul 20 21:55:28 EDT 2007

Technology colleagues,

I am hoping the Technology page on the Adult Literacy Education (ALE)

will be the "go to" place for adult literacy and technology, a great
resource for teachers, researchers and others who want answers to
their questions, who want to find good research on adult literacy and
technology, or who are looking for promising practices. In the ALE
Wiki "adult literacy" includes English language learning, numeracy,
and other basic skills -- from basic literacy up through college

To succeed, we need your help. The ALE Wiki is a volunteer community
of practice, you and me sharing what we know with other colleagues.
Note that at the top of the main page in the technology section of
the ALE Wiki you will find directions on how to add to the ALE Wiki.
It's easy and fun, as well as very important work to our community of
technology-using adult educators.

1) The Questions and Answers section

needs to have all the questions that adult literacy education
teachers have about the use of technology in teaching and learning.
It needs to have good answers to these questions. You can help by
adding new questions, and/or new answers, or by adding to existing
questions or answers.

2) The Research section

needs to have all the research on adult literacy and technology.
Does it? If not, can you add in a citation or Web page where others
can find relevant research?

3) Promising Practices

is a tiny area now. Are you aware of a promising practice that
should be listed in this section? If so, please add it.

4) Other Technology projects

What else should be added in this section? Please add it.

David J. Rosen
djrosen at

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