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USGS Mendenhall Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program


Overview: For Fiscal Year 2010, 53 Research Opportunities are being advertised (positions are to be filled depending on the availability of funds). The research opportunity title, proposed duty station, and Research Advisor(s) are listed below for each Research Opportunity, along with detailed descriptions, required qualifications, and the appropriate Human Resources Office contact.

Role of Research Advisors: Research Advisors are appointed for each Mendenhall Fellowship position to direct project work. The Advisors are USGS scientists with whom the Mendenhall Fellows would work most closely. They will also be involved with reviewing application packages and interviewing candidates. Applicants are encouraged to contact the Research Advisor(s) listed in the opportunity for further information regarding the Research Opportunity and are strongly urged to coordinate the development of their research proposals with the Research Advisor(s).

Role of Human Resources Office Contacts: The Human Resources Office listed in the opportunity will receive application materials, review the backgrounds of the final candidates to make sure they are qualified for the opportunities, forward them to the Research Advisors and hiring official for consideration, and make official job offers. The Human Resources Office is also available to provide information regarding the recruitment process and the status of applications.

Job Qualifications: Office of Personnel Management descriptions of the backgrounds required to perform the types of research listed in these opportunities. Other titles may be applicable depending on the applicant's background, education, and research proposal. The final classification of the position will be made by the Human Resources specialist in charge.

Opportunity Number Research Opportunity Title Proposed Duty Station(s) Research Advisor(s)
1 The Impacts of Quaternary Climate Change on Karst Geomorphology and Hydrology in the Appalachian Region Reston, VA
Daniel Doctor, David Weary, Christopher Swezey, and Milan Pavich
2 Quantitative Evaluation of Tsunami Hazard to the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Coasts Woods Hole, MA; Menlo Park, CA
Uri ten Brink, Eric Geist, and Homa Lee
3 Exploring the Relationship Between Past Atmospheric Dust Composition, Climate, and Biological Productivity in the Northern Pacific Ocean Woods Hole, MA
John Crusius, Dorothy Peteet (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University), and Tim Eglinton (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
4 Methane Hydrates and Global Climate Change Woods Hole, MA
Carolyn Ruppel
5 Geologic Investigation of the Processes Controlling the Northern Gulf of Mexico Coastal Change St. Petersburg, FL
James Flocks, Dawn Lavoie, and Mark Kulp (University of New Orleans)
6 Prediction of Coastal Response to Extreme Storms Using High-Resolution Modeling and Data Assimilation St. Petersburg, FL
Nathaniel Plant, Abby Sallenger, Peter Howd, and Hillary Stockdon
7 Hydrologic and Geochemical Investigations into Groundwater Conditions Favorable for Microbial Generation of Methane in Organic-Rich Deposits Denver, CO; Reston, VA; Tucson, AZ
Peter Warwick, Arthur Clark, Jennifer McIntosh (University of Arizona), and Edwin Weeks
8 Subsidence and Accommodation History of Arctic Alaska Reston, VA
David Houseknecht, Richard Saltus, Christopher Connors (Washington and Lee U), Bernard Coakley (University of Alaska–Fairbanks), and Kenneth Bird
9 Integrated Approaches for Predicting Potential Environmental Effects Associated with Mineral Mining Reston, VA
Robert Seal, I-Ming Chou, and John Besser
10 Rapidly Assessing and Quantifying Earthquake Hazard and Impact Golden, CO
David Wald, Paul Earle, Nicolas Luco, and Ross Stein
11 Probabilistic Seismic Risk Analysis for Buildings Subjected to Sequences of Large Earthquakes Golden, CO
Nicolas Luco, Mark Petersen, David Wald, Mehmet Celebi, Paolo Bazzurro (AIR Worldwide Corporation), Matt Gerstenberger (Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences, New Zealand), and Erdem Karaca (Swiss Re)
12 Observation and Analysis of Climate Processes Using Seismic Data from the Global Seismographic Network Golden, CO
Daniel McNamara, Charles Hutt, Lind Gee, Shad O’Neel, Richard Aster (New Mexico Tech University), and Peter D. Bromirski (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego)
13 Improving Interpretations of Paleoseismic Data in the Central United States Golden, CO; Memphis, TN
Russell Wheeler, Martitia Tuttle (M. Tuttle and Associates), Eugene Schweig, and Oliver Boyd
14 Effects on Forest Ecosystems of Changes in Climate, Insect Infestations, and Fire Regimes Denver, CO
Robert Thompson
15 Improving Vegetation Model Simulations of Future Climate Change Effects on Public Lands in the United States Corvallis, OR
Sarah Shafer and Steve Hostetler
16 Seasonal Moisture Source Variability for the Colorado River Basin during the Late Holocene from Lake and Marine Sediment Archives Denver, CO; Menlo Park, CA
Lesleigh Anderson and John Barron
17 Experimental and Environmental Study of In Situ Oil-Shale Retorting Denver, CO
Michael Lewan and Ronald Johnson
18 Energy, Geology, and Habitats— Impacts of Future Energy Resource Production on Ecosystems in Southwest Wyoming Denver, CO; Fort Collins, CO
Christopher Potter and Zachary Bowen
19 Geology and Geochemistry of Shale Gas Systems Denver, CO
Geoffrey Ellis and Neil Fishman
20 Geologic Applications of Airborne Gravity Gradient Measurements Denver, CO
Jeffrey Phillips, Richard Blakely, Mark Gettings, and Stephen Malys (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency)
21 Development of Joint Inverse Methods for Improved Characterization and Assessment of Groundwater, Mineral, and Petroleum Resources Denver, CO
Michael Friedel, David Fitterman, Jeffery Phillips, Seth Haines, and Alyssa Dausman
22 Improving Ground Motion Forecasts for Future Earthquakes Menlo Park, CA
Brad Aagaard, Thomas Brocher, Robert Jachens, Robert Simpson, Tom Parsons, and Carl Wentworth
23 Time-Dependent Earthquake Probabilities Pasadena, CA
Susan Hough and Ned Field
24 Advancing Earthquake Response and Crustal Deformation Research with Real-Time Data from the Global Positioning System Pasadena, CA
Nancy King and Kenneth Hudnut
25 Cascadia Subduction Zone Seismic and Aseismic Slip Scenarios: Implications for Public Policy Vancouver, WA
Evelyn Roeloffs, Nick Beeler, Craig Weaver, Nathan Wood, and James Goltz (Office of Emergency Services, California)
26 Integrated Assessment of GPS and Paleoseismic Slip Rate Indicators for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis in the Western United States Menlo Park, CA; Golden, CO
Wayne Thatcher, Anthony Crone, Mark Petersen, and Ron Bruhn (University of Utah)
27 Investigations of Fluid and Heat Transport in Fractured Hydrothermal Systems Menlo Park, CA
Colin Williams, Stephen Hickman, and Steven Ingebritsen
28 Discovering Clues to Impending Explosive Volcanic Eruptions through Geochemical Microanalysis and Magmatic Process Modeling Menlo Park, CA
Charles Bacon, Alan Koenig, Frank Mazdab, and Wendy Bohrson, (Central Washington University)
29 Ecosystem Response to Climate Change in the Western United States: Linking Carbon, Nitrogen, and Water Cycling through Isotopic Studies of Soils Menlo Park, CA
Jennifer Harden, Mark Waldrop, Kate Maher (Stanford University), Carol Kendall, and Jayne Belnap
30 Exploring the Significance of Earthquake Families for Volcano Monitoring at Mount St. Helens and Other Volcanoes Vancouver, WA
Seth Moran, John Power, and Stephanie Prejean
31 Dynamics of Magma Transport, Storage, and Eruption, and Volcano-Tectonic Interactions at Kílauea Volcano, Hawai‘i Hawaiian Volcano Observatory , HI
M. Poland, A. Miklius, P. Okubo, J. Murray-Moraleda, and T. Masterlark (University of Alabama)
32 Exploring Tremor, Slow Slip, and Earthquakes in Alaska and the Aleutian Arc Anchorage, AK
Stephanie Prejean, Joan Gomberg, Doug Christensen (University of Alaska Fairbanks), Jeffrey Freymueller (University of Alaska Fairbanks), and Peter Haeussler
33 Modeling Volcanic Ash Plumes and Fallout for Improved Hazard Assessment and Forecasting Anchorage, AK
Christopher Waythomas and Larry Mastin
34 Continuous Measurement of Volcanic Gas Emissions: New Opportunities for Interpreting Magmatic Processes, Reservoir Dynamics, and Environmental Effects Vancouver, WA
Cynthia Werner, Jeff Sutton, and Ulrich Platt (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
35 Development of a Process-Based Numerical Modeling System for Predicting Coastal Hazards Santa Cruz, CA; Woods Hole, MA
Patrick Barnard, John Warner, and Jeff List
36 Margin-Scale Sedimentation – Carbon Sequestration by Marine Geological Processes Santa Cruz, CA
Jon Warrick and Rob Wheatcroft (Oregon State University)
37 Spatial Ecohydrologic Modeling in the Semi-Arid Southwest Menlo Park, CA
David Bedford, Jayne Belnap, and David Miller
38 Linking the Yakima Fold Belt to Its Forearc Analogs Through the Cascade Arc Menlo Park, CA
Ray Wells, Richard Blakely, Russ Evarts, Brian Sherrod, Ralph Haugerud, Craig Weaver, and Steve Reidel (Washington State University)
39 Defining the Interplay Among Geochemistry, Biology, and Physics on the Cycling of Metals and Nutrients in an Aquatic Ecosystem Affected by Mining Activities and Urbanization Seattle, WA
Laurie Balistrieri and James Kuwabara
40 Paleolatitudes and Paleoclimates of Laurentia and Its Accreted Terranes since 1.8 Ga Anchorage, AK Dwight Bradley
41 Understanding the Physical Properties and Dynamics of Permafrost: An Important Link Among Changes in Climate, Hydrology, and the Ecology of Northern High Latitudes Denver, CO; Reston, VA; Menlo Park, CA Michelle Walvoord, Clifford Voss, and John Nimmo
42 Rainfall-Infiltration-Runoff Processes for Soil Affected by Wildfire Boulder, CO John Moody, Deborah Martin, and Roger Smith (Colorado State University)
43 The Role of Lakes, Ponds, and Reservoirs in the Freshwater Carbon Budget Denver, CO; Boulder, CO Robert Striegl, David Clow, Randy Hunt, and Lesleigh Anderson
44 Stimulating Interactive Responses of Stream Flow and Temperature Distributions to Climate Change at the Watershed Scale Denver, CO Lauren Hay and Steve Regan
45 Groundwater Dynamics at an Active Stratovolcano Menlo Park, CA; Vancouver, WA; Denver, CO Steve Ingebritsen, Jon Major, Bill Evans, Shaul Hurwitz, and Gary Landis
46 Fluxes and Fate of Water and Contaminants Affected by Preferential Flow in the Unsaturated Zone Menlo Park, CA John Nimmo, Chris Green, and Barbara Bekins
47 The Influence of Natural Organic Matter on the Fate and Transport of Metal Sulfide Complexes, Clusters, and Nanocolloids in the Aquatic Environment Boulder, CO George Aiken and Joseph Ryan (University of Colorado)
48 Impact of In Situ Chemical Oxidation on the Biogeochemistry of a Sand and Gravel Aquifer Boulder, CO Richard Smith, Doug Kent, Denis LeBlanc
49 Spatial Patterns of Land Use and Stormwater Mitigation Practices in Suburban and Urban Environments: Impacts on Water Quality and Quantity Reston, VA Dianna Hogan
50 An Interdisciplinary (Geographic, Biologic, Geologic, and Hydrologic) Effort to Simultaneously Monitor and Quantify Diverse Ecosystem Services in the Prairie Pothole Region Sioux Falls, SD Shuguang Liu and Ned Euliss
51 Integrated Thermal and Spectral Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration, Drought, and Ecosystem Production in the United States Sioux Falls, SD Shuguang Liu
52 Qualitative and Quantitative Tools, Techniques, and Frameworks for Linking Driving Forces to Land Change Events Sioux Falls, SD Thomas Loveland
53 Characterizing the Dynamics of Coupled Human-Environmental Systems That Create Social Vulnerability to Natural Hazards Vancouver, WA; Menlo Park, CA Nathan Wood

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
Direct inquiries to Rama K. Kotra at
Maintained by Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Web Team
Last modified: 15:55:06 Wed 24 Sep 2008
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