National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1350] Technology Strand at COABE

Marian Thacher mthacher at
Wed Oct 10 11:59:39 EDT 2007

The Adult Literacy and Technology Network will sponsor a technology strand
at COABE next year, April 28-May 1 in St. Louis. There will be at least
one lab with Internet, so proposals for hands-on sessions are welcome. We
hope that many of you will submit proposals about the unique and exciting
things you are doing with technology in your classrooms and beyond. This
is your chance to share your projects and experience on a national level,
to network with others and find your fellow travelers, and to put faces
with some of the names you've seen on this list.

This strand is in addition to the Distance Learning strand. When you
submit your proposal, under Educational Focus, check the box for
Technology/Distance Learning. We will figure out which is which.
Technology proposals will be forwarded ALTN for review. Proposals are due
Oct. 31.

Go to to submit your proposal online.

In addition to what you want to present, we could have some discussion on
this list of what you think should be covered. What topics are a must?
Help us plan.

Marian Thacher, OTAN
P.O. Box 269003
Sacramento, CA 95826-9003
(916) 228-2597

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