National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1336] Re: Additional Information about

Kelly Potter Markham kelly at
Fri Oct 5 12:59:47 EDT 2007

Thanks, Marian, for sharing the site with others. We appreciate the
exposure! I'll make note that financial literacy is an area where we ought
to consider adding more lessons. We're in the process now of choosing topics
for our next 17 lessons. If you have any other feedback regarding topics to
cover, please let me know.

From: technology-bounces at [mailto:technology-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Marian Thacher
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 12:24 PM
To: The Technology and Literacy Discussion List
Subject: [Technology 1333] Re: Additional Information about

Hi Kelly,

This looks like a great resource, thanks for sharing it. I think especially
the financial literacy lessons will be useful here in CA. Your message was
forwarded to our CA Tech Mentor Network list and a number of teachers tried
it out and posted about it yesterday. Response was very favorable, except
for the registration glitches which it sounds like are now resolved.

Thanks for sharing a good resource, at the right price! We have had GCF
listed as a teacher resource on OTAN since 2005, but the addition of these
lessons makes the site even more useful.


The Technology and Literacy Discussion List <technology at> on Friday,
October 05, 2007 at 6:55 AM -0800 wrote:
Thanks to everyone who took a look at our site,,
yesterday. Throughout the day, several of you emailed me and let me know
that we were having some issues with our Join Now/Create an Account process.
We just launched our redesigned site on Monday, and while we thought we had
all the "bugs" worked out, a few were discovered yesterday. I think we have
it all fixed and it should work correctly now. If you have any difficulties
with creating a free account, please let me know!

If you have not already taken a look at our new Everyday Life program, I
encourage you to do so. We currently have 17 interactive lessons available,
but will be releasing many, many more topics in the future. Current lessons
include using an ATM, completing a bank deposit form, filling out a job
application, using a bus map, and much more. I highly recommend you complete
the short Tutorial before you begin. The lessons make a lot more sense after
completing the tutorial, and you can understand how low-literacy learners
would be instructed to complete the lessons. You will want to view the
lessons with the sound on your computer turned on. Lessons have audio and
text directions.

Some of you may be interested in our Computer Training section, as well.
Here we cover topics such as Computer Basics, Internet Safety, OpenOffice,
and Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, and more. Our
Computer Training lessons are primarily text and screenshot-based, so may
not be appropriate for all learners; however, we are moving to a video-based
lesson format with supplemental text. You can take a look at our Publisher
2003 lessons to get a better idea of how we will develop future topics.

If it sounds like our site may be of use to you or your learners, please
take a look at it. It is a completely free resource! And don't worry, when
you create an account with us, we will never share your information with
others or email you unless you opt-in for the newsletter.

If you have any feedback, please let me know. We are especially interested
in what literacy professionals think of these initial lessons and any topics
that you think would be worthwhile for us to cover in our next round of

Thanks for your time.

Kelly Potter Markham

Instructional Designer,

kelly at

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