National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1309] Re: Technology Integration Self-Assessment - an Intro

Marian Thacher mthacher at
Mon Oct 1 19:38:44 EDT 2007

Thanks, Ginni. Our hope is that some programs, and eventually some states,
will adopt this as part of their professional development.

In California, agencies with a certain kind of EL Civics funding are
required to submit a technology plan, and as part of that we have been
using a different staff self-assessment, one that pretty much focuses on
computer skills. I like the AdultEd Online one better because it is
broader, addressing a variety of different skill areas. So far, people
seem very open to switching over next year, so I'm hopeful that we will be
able to do that.

The Technology and Literacy Discussion List <technology at> on
Monday, October 01, 2007 at 3:02 PM -0800 wrote:

>As coordinator of a Adult Education program in northeastern CT ("the

>quiet corner"), I happened upon this website as I was preparing for our

>fall professional development workshops for teachers. I tried it myself

>and very much liked it, so I recommended to the staff. Hopefully some of

>them will check it out and give me feedback.

>Ginni Gorin


>On 10/1/07, Marian Thacher <[ mailto:mthacher at ]mthacher at>




>Greetings to All on the NIFL Technology List,


>I appreciate the opportunity to communicate with all of you about the

>AdultEd Online self-assessment tool that went live in September, the

>Technology Integration Self-Assessment. I know some of you have had a

>chance to check it out, and I'm interested to receive your feedback.


>The idea behind this tool was to make it possible for any adult education

>teacher anywhere to get online and take the self-assessment in order to

>see what is involved in integrating technology in the classroom, and

>where their strengths and weaknesses might lie.


>In addition, completing the self-assessment leads to creating a

>professional development plan the contains competencies to focus on,

>learning strategies, online resources, and a timeline for completing

>tasks. I think this model is very promising for professional development

>in general, and I'm curious to see to what extent it gets used by

>teachers and programs.


>Just to give you a little background about the development, we started

>out by researching what technology integration standards already exist,

>and also looking at self-assessments. Most of these are from the K12

>system and from teacher preparation programs. Some are very detailed, and

>some more minimal than ours. We tried to find a good balance between

>including all important skills and keeping the self-assessment short

>enough to complete in about 15 minutes.




>The ISTE Ed Tech Standards for Teachers are probably the best known set

>of standards. Although they are fairly general, there are many resources

>for K12 teachers attached to them, such as sample activities and lesson






>Here is an example from North Carolina of a very detailed list of

>possible technology skills.


>You will see that for AdultEd Online we chose a middle path, covering 12

>competency areas, and addressing both personal and classroom skills where

>appropriate. We also tried to provide examples where we thought that a

>teacher might need to see an example of something like a class web site

>or the use of an assistive technology.


>Although the tool is designed for teachers, there is also an admin

>section. If you create an administrator account, you can invite teachers

>to take the self-assessment, keep track of who has completed it, and see

>aggregated results for your program.


>Do you think 15-20 minutes is reasonable for an online self-assessment?

>Do you think teachers will use this tool on their own, or mainly if

>requested by their program? What do you think are the best ways of

>letting people know about this tool?


>In my next messages I will address the 12 selected areas and reply to

>some of the questions you have already posed.




>Marian Thacher, OTAN

>P.O. Box 269003

>Sacramento, CA 95826-9003

>(916) 228-2597

>[ ]



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