National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1263] New from NCSALL

Kaye Beall kbeall at
Thu Sep 6 15:33:50 EDT 2007

Research Utilization in the Field of Adult Learning and Literacy: Lessons
Learned by NCSALL About Connecting Practice, Policy, and Research

By Cristine Smith, Beth Bingman, and Kaye Beall

This occasional paper is a summary of what the staff of the NCSALL
Dissemination Initiative learned about how to connect research, policy and
practice in ways that promote evidence-based practice in the field of adult
learning and literacy.

Go to to download the paper.


Kaye Beall

World Education

6760 West Street

Linn Grove, IN 46711

Tel: 765-717-3942

Fax: 617-482-0617

kaye_beall at

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