National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1237] U.S. Department of Education is seeking input on technology integration

Branka Marceta bmarceta at
Mon Aug 27 13:49:17 EDT 2007

The following was included in [
]ISTE News section of [
]Learning and Leading with Technology August issue. It sounds like its
focus is on K12, but it's always good to include the voice of adult
education when possible. If you decide to give input, please indicate at
the beginning of your post that you represent adult education.

The U.S. Department of Education is seeking input on technology
integration and has created a Web site to capture your comments on four
specific areas:

1. ways technology has improved effectiveness

2. how you’ve used educational data to make better decisions

3. the role of technology in preparing students for global competition

4. the role of federal government in supporting education technology

Share your comments and suggestions at [

or send an e-mail to [ fcp://,%235003003/Mailbox/
]edtech at

Branka Marceta
OTAN, , Sacramento

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