National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1080] Re: NovaNet classes

Kathie Daviau daviauk at
Sun Jun 17 10:13:23 EDT 2007

I use NovaNet as part of my curriculum in my adult ed classes. I also use NovaNet as the main curriculum in a credit recovery for 14-18 year old high school students.

NN is pretty good curriculum for math. The latest upgrade made the algebra multimedia, which also means user-friendly. The history is good curriculum if you can read, but the prescriptive element is very long in terms of hours to completion. The science curriculum needs updating; it is pretty dossy. Our science teacher does many supplemental lessons. The English is the curriculum that needs the most supplementing; but you can supplement with other NN lessons or paper-and-pencil lessons.

Overall, NN is a good program, but very pricey. NN can be used however you need it, whether prescriptive, non-prescriptive, or in small chunks. Just remember it is only a tool.

Billings, Montana

-----Original Message-----
From: technology-bounces at on behalf of Selover200 at
Sent: Sat 6/16/2007 11:41 AM
To: technology at
Subject: [Technology 1077] NovaNet classes

Hello folks,

I am a teacher for ESL for Healdsburg Adult Ed. I work with beginning students in a regular classroom. We have a few older computers that I use for typing lessons and practice right now. My computers are too old to go on line right now, so my students need to go to another room for online access.

When students are ready to move up to a higher level, one of our other teachers as a NovaNet computer lab where students can continue working on their English at their own speed for half of the class period, then the teacher leads the class for conversation, writing, etc.

Students can go on to earn their GEDs on NovaNet. Our Alternative High School students use the lab daily to complete their high school classes. Some choose to return to regular HS classes once they have caught up.

Reg HS students also attend the Adult Ed sessions to make-up classes that they missed or failed so that they can graduate.

I think that NovaNet also has college level courses. There is another program, ELLIS, for Jr High and Elementary students. It is on line.

Has anyone else used NovaNet or ELLIS?

Linda Selover

National Institute for Literacy
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