National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1054] Re: Research study on using blogs to teach adults writing

Susan Jones SUJones at
Wed Jun 13 08:42:25 EDT 2007

I'm curious about wanting them to be in the Richmond area, too (tho' Im not directly connected with GED folks here), but think it's a great idea.

Susan Jones
Academic Development Specialist
Academic Development Center
Parkland College
Champaign, IL 61821
sujones at

>>> "Marian Thacher" <mthacher at> 6/12/2007 11:47 AM >>>

Hi Richard,

That sounds like an interesting topic. I have been collecting examples of
both student and teacher blogs, but I don't have anything from GED
classes, so I will be interested to see what you find or develop. I hope
you will share your project with the list!

I'd be really interested to see blogs from GED or HS diploma students
anywhere in the world. Do we have some out there?

Marian Thacher, OTAN
The Technology and Literacy Discussion List <technology at> on
Tuesday, June 12, 2007 at 8:44 AM -0800 wrote:


>I am a UVA doctoral student in Instructional Technology living in

>Richmond, VA. I work at the Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center as a

>Project Manager for an online learning program for adult GED students.

>For my dissertation, I am investigating the use of blogs in the GED

>classroom to help adult students improve their writing skills, and I am

>looking for local GED teachers in the Richmond metro area currently

>using, or interested in using, weblogs with their GED or Fast Track



>If anyone on this list knows any GED teachers in the metro Richmond area

>using blogs to help adult students practice and improve their writing

>skills, and you think they might be interested in being part of important

>adult education research, please have them contact me by email or phone

>and I will provide them with more details about my study. I want to begin

>collecting data during the Fall of 2007.




>Richard Sebastian

>Project Manager

>eLEARN Virginia


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