National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 975] Re: T4

David J. Rosen djrosen at
Mon Apr 30 23:06:49 EDT 2007

Hi Barry,

Thanks for sending the link to this slide show. Things I liked about
it include the overall message that young adults live digitally --
and if we want to engage them we need to use the technology they are
using to do it, and the collection of compelling facts. Things I
didn't care for include the guilt tripping and distracting music.

I understand that the Philadelphia YouthBuild Charter School has done
a lot with integrating technology with urban youth (who left regular
public schools before graduating). Also, the MATCH Charter School in
Boston is built on integrating technology. These are both publicly-
funded schools.

Barry, have you made any more videos yourself? If so, please send us
the URLs.

All the best,


David J. Rosen
djrosen at

On Apr 30, 2007, at 5:33 PM, Burkett, Barry wrote:

> David et al:


> My boss forwarded me this video and I have been checking out the site.

> I find it intriguing that this is growing out of a shool district.

> Does

> anyone know of other school districts that are making drastic steps

> towards using technology in the classroom, district wide?




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