National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 800] Re: Discussion topics for 2007

Wendy Quinones wbquinones at
Thu Jan 11 10:54:54 EST 2007

Hi Marian
Sorry I didn't respond earlier. This is a crossover question -- I would like to learn more about using online istruction for professional development. I'm already doing some of it, but I feel as though I'm re-inventing the wheel with every course I develop!

Wendy Quinones
----- Original Message -----
From: Mariann Fedele
To: The Technology and Literacy Discussion List
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 10:02 AM
Subject: [Technology 799] Discussion topics for 2007

Hello Tech list Colleagues and happy New Year to all,

In mid-December I sent out a message requesting your feedback and recommendations for possible topics you would like to see covered in the upcoming year on the Technology list. Following are the suggestions you sent either to the list as a whole or to me off-list. I did a little editing and added the words "I would like to." in front of each statement so that it would be easier to read as a compilation. If when you read this you feel that something wasn't included that you would like to see discussed, please send me a message and I will add it. I will resend this message with the updates next week.

Thanks to all who contributed,


Technology Discussion List Topic Recommendations for 2007:

1. I would like to learn more about teaching our students make better use of their cell phones. Most students have them but many don't know how to use their voicemail, pictures, downloading, etc., especially older students.

2. I would like to see discussed the issue of slow computer learners- either due to lack of experience, age, low literacy skills, lack of interest/need, no computer in the home.

3. I would like to see the Technology list introduce our field to some technologies in the context of their use/possible use in adult ed. These might include, for example:

1) mobile phones
2) web-accessible PDAs
3) tablet PCs
4) e-books and e-book readers
5) wikis for writing projects
6) electronic white boards
7) inexpensive (under $500) multimedia (e.g. LCD) projectors
8) video Ipods with high quality video goggles (intended for video
but maybe useful for reading text?)

4, I would like to see discussions about technology in the context of specific adult literacy setting, similar to the discussion we had about technology and learning disabilities; for example, technology and workforce development, technology and English language instruction, technology and reading acquisition.

5. I would be interested in more discussion about on-line learning, distance learning, and using these technologies to extend the reach of the classroom.

6. I would like to learn more about the basic skills students need to engage effectively with computers and make the most of computer assisted instruction or computer-based instruction.

Mariann Fedele

Associate Director,

NYC Regional Adult Education Network

Literacy Assistance Center

NIFL Technology and Literacy Discussion List
32 Broadway 10th Floor
New York, New York 10004
mariannf at


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