National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 919] Discussion on Hand-Held Devices in theClassroom

Mariann Fedele MariannF at
Mon Apr 9 18:59:40 EDT 2007

Dear Technology list colleagues,

Once again, I'm happy to announce that Marilyn Williams, for the Kennedy Middle School in Eugene, Oregon will be joining the tech list beginning Tuesday, April 17th through Thursday, April 19th. Marilyn will discuss her experience in a practitioner research project on using handheld devices in the classroom, will share her three years of experience in integrating this technology in to instruction, and answer our questions.

This three-day discussion will focus on three aspects of Marilyn's work and experience:

Day one, Tuesday April 17th

Marilyn will share the details of the University of Oregon research project that she participated in and was the genesis of her work using this technology in an education setting, and provide information about the two-day training she received through this project that prepared her for her classroom work.

Day two, Wednesday April 18th

Marilyn will lead us through a discussion about her classroom work with students; how she introduced students to using Palm Pilots and how she prepared them, what lessons consisted of and how the palm Pilots were used for learning, and sharing feedback on her students experience.

Day three, Thursday April 19th

Marilyn will share her reflections as a practitioner about the benefits, obstacles and outcomes (for her students and herself as a teacher) of integrating handheld technology into the instruction and learning process.

Your participation as a list member is strongly encouraged to make this a robust and vital discussion.

Best regards,


Mariann Fedele

Associate Director,

NYC Regional Adult Education Network

Literacy Assistance Center

NIFL Technology and Literacy Discussion List
32 Broadway 10th Floor
New York, New York 10004
mariannf at <>

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