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Upper San Joaquin River Basin Storage Project EIS/EIR
The purpose of the study is to evaluate proposed actions to increase the storage of water from the San Joaquin River. Potential uses of stored water may include: contribution to future restoration of the San Joaquin River, improvement of water quality in the San Joaquin River, or water deliveries that could facilitate additional conjunctive management or exchanges that improve the quality of water to urban areas. This is one of five potential surface storage projects which the CALFED Programmatic EIS Record of Decision (ROD) recommended for additional study to determine the potential for the projects to meet identified objectives in the ROD.

Notice of Intent published February 3, 2004. (69 FR 5184) Scoping meetings held March 16-18, 2004. Draft EA/FONSI on Geologic Drilling & Aggregate Sampling Program released on May 12, 2006. FONSI signed/final EA completed on July 11, 2006. Draft EIS/EIR due July 2009. Final EIS/EIR due July 2010.

Erika  Kegel
Phone: (916) 978-5081

List of Available Reports
Report Title
File Ext
File Size
File with .pdf extension Draft EA, Geological Drilling & Aggregate Sampling .pdf 2,586.02KB 
File with .pdf extension Draft FONSI, Geological Drilling & Aggregate Sampling .pdf 16.90KB 
File with .pdf extension Final EA/FONSI, Geological Drilling & Aggregate Sampling .pdf 2,903.53KB