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Auburn State Recreational Area Resource Management Plan/General Plan EIS/EIR
Site: www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=24325
Auburn State Recreation Area, managed by California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR), is located on Federal lands administered by the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) within the proposed Auburn Dam and Reservoir Project. DPR will have the responsibility for the development of this plan. The planning time frame for this project is three years. The existing General Plan for Auburn SRA was completed in 1978 (a combination document with the Folsom SRA General Plan). This plan assumed the Auburn Dam would be constructed and an Auburn Reservoir would be created. Because construction of the Dam was not completed, an Interim Resource Management Plan (RMP) was prepared in 1992 to address resources, conditions and uses during this interim period of time. Congress voted not to fund the Dam in 1992 and again in 1995. The interim RMP lacks sufficient detail or analysis of the natural resources for the management of Auburn SRA as a river-based resource. Also due to changes in recreation use, there is a need for an updated recreation and resource management document for Auburn SRA until such time that Congress decides differently regarding the future of Auburn Dam.

Notice of Intent published June 1, 2006. Scoping meetings held June 15, 2006. Internal agency review of preliminary draft EIS/EIR expected Summer 2008.

Laura  Caballaro
Phone: (916) 989-7172

List of Available Reports
Report Title
File Ext
File Size
File with .pdf extension Notice of Intent, Auburn RMP .pdf 56.44KB 
File with .pdf extension Alternative Options for Key Issues, Auburn RMP .pdf 43.13KB 
File with .pdf extension Final Survey Report, Auburn RMP .pdf 1,038.56KB 
File with .pdf extension Public Meeting Notes, Auburn RMP .pdf 78.97KB