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The National Methane Hydrates R&D Program
DOE/NETL Methane Hydrate Projects

Detection and Production of Methane Hydrate


The goal of this project is to improve the understanding of regional differences in gas hydrate systems from three perspectives: as an energy resource, as a geohazard, and as a long-term influence on global climate.

Rice University
University of Houston - Houston, TX

Heterogeneity in the distribution of gas hydrate accumulations impacts all aspects of research into gas hydrate natural systems. The challenge is to delineate, understand, and appreciate these differences at the regional scale, where differences in in-situ concentrations are relevant to the importance of gas hydrate as a resource, geohazard, and factor in the carbon cycle. Some of the key questions that remain unanswered are:

  • Why do regional heterogeneities in gas hydrate distribution occur?
  • How can we detect them remotely?
  • Where are concentrated gas hydrate accumulations likely to be found?
  • How will heterogeneities affect strategies for production of natural gas from hydrates?
  • How would different distributions respond to temperature perturbations?

Potential Impact
This project will result in enhanced understanding of:

  • the processes controlling the behavior of the marine hydrate system,
  • the potential viability of proposed methodologies for the production of natural gas from methane hydrates and,
  • improved safety practices during offshore drilling through a better understanding of seafloor and wellbore stability in the presence of hydrates.

The work may also result in advanced methodologies for remote quantification of hydrate accumulation through novel techniques for evaluation of geophysical imaging.

Phase 1 of this study was brief in duration and focused on the full development of a revised statement of work for subsequent project phases that incorporated advances and new data produced since the applicant’s proposal was received. The development occurred through detailed planning and discussion with NETL personnel as well as through cooperation with other ongoing NETL funded research projects. In addition, the performers reviewed and selected the appropriate data sets for use in this study. This component of the effort was completed in March 2007. The performer provided a detailed plan for conducting activities under the project. Following provision of this information, a formal statement of project objectives and associated budget was negotiated between Rice and DOE to carry out the Phases 2 – 5 of the project.

Phase 2 of the project initialized in June 2007. Work under the remaining project phases (2-5) involves sustained efforts within five specific research areas over the course of the project. The value of the work under each area will be evaluated at the end of each year long phase before being continued to subsequent phases. Phase 2 was completed in June 2008. Results of the effort under Phase 2 include the following:

Task 5: Carbon Inputs and Outputs to Gas Hydrate Systems

  • Determined the amount of iodine in sediment and pore waters down boreholes at 10 locations, including 3 with gas hydrate, clearly showing that iodine accumulates in marine sediment as a function of organic carbon input over time.
  • Examined carbon, sulfur and metal chemistry across the SMT at sites in the Japan Sea and the Peru Trench to assess whether sulfate profiles can be used to determine the upward flux of methane. Assumption appears valid in the Sea of Japan, but only after all carbon fluxes are accounted for. In particular, an upward flux of bicarbonate and carbonate precipitation impact geochemical interpretations across the SMT.

Task 6: Numerical Models for Quantification of Hydrate and Free Gas Accumulations

  • Progressed the development of the numerical models for hydrate and free gas accumulation to increase the fundamental understand of the accumulation phenomena.
  • Developed a numerical model for the simulation of the accumulation of hydrate and free gas over geological time and length scales in one dimension and initiated efforts to move to two spatial dimensions.
  • Initiated simulations to delineate basic modes of gas hydrate distribution in marine sediment, including systems with no gas hydrate, gas hydrate without underlying free gas, and gas hydrate with underlying free gas below the gas hydrate stability zone, for various methane sources.
  • Developed combinations of dimensionless variables, particularly the Peclet number and Damkohler number, such that the dependence of average hydrate saturation on numerous parameters can be summarized using two contour maps, one for a biogenic source and one for upward flux from a deeper source. Model presents a unified picture of hydrate accumulations that can be used to understand well-characterized gas hydrate systems or to predict steadystate average hydrate saturation and distribution at locations for which seismic or core data are not available.
  • Demonstrated continuous change of SH and Sv over a long spatial distance (~300 m) is possible, indicating that a gradual change of acoustic properties may induce weak BSR or even no BSR.
  • Determined, through numerical simulations, that the ratio of sediment absolute permeability to the sedimentation rate was the key dimensionless group controlling overpressure generation. The effect of overpressure, in turn, limits the amount (thickness) of free gas that can accumulate below the GHSZ.
  • Developed numerical and analytical models for inferring gas hydrate saturation in marine sediments from pore water sulfate profiles. Results from these models are in agreement with gas hydrate saturations estimated from resistivity logs/chloride data at several sites along Cascadia Margin.

Task 7: Analysis of Production Strategy

  • Successfully completed initial evaluation of production simulator by evaluating the scenarios established under the DOE-NETL code comparison study.
  • Initiated evaluation for the potential use of warm water aquifer injection for the purpose of hydrate production. Determined that for warm water injection, production well pressure, injection temperature and pressure play an important role in the production of gas from hydrate deposits.

Task 8: Seafloor and Borehole Stability

  • Initiated compilation of published geomechanical, fluid flow properties and data for multi-phase flow in hydrate systems and for strength in low-to-moderate hydrate saturation in fine grained materials.
  • Initiated collaboration with MIT, GATech, the USGS,and LBNL to evaluate what technology exists to fill existing data gaps in the complied information.
  • Initiated integration of sediment properties work (Task 8), the geologic hydrate accumulation work (Task 6), the hydrate production work (Task 7) and the DOE sponsored JIP hydrate work in the Gulf of Mexico to develop forward models of hydrate accumulation to test the JIP predictions and to provide accurate and realistic sediment models for our hydrate production models.
  • Measured permeability of samples to evaluate new techniques for getting permeability anisotropy and for getting robust permeability data from logging measurements.

Task 9: Geophysical Imaging of Gas Hydrate and Free Gas Accumulations

  • Identified and initiated processing of a limited seismic dataset from the India (NGHP1) hydrate expedition. The identified seismic line has three inline wells all of which were drilled in 2001. The drilling was based on BSR signatures that appear to be similar at the well locations but the recovered hydrate concentration was found to be varying.
  • Continued discussions with India NGHP program related to expanded collaboration with the Rice effort and the use of NGHP data in that effort.

Current Status
Phase 1 has been completed and Phase 2 work was initiated in June 2007 based on the finalized statement of work. The remaining project effort includes four one-year phases (Phases 2-5) which will consist of ongoing efforts in each of the research areas outlined in the summary section above. Efforts within Phase 2 were completed in June 2008. Accomplishments from work performed within the Phase 2 time period are summarized in the Results section above and full detail can be found in the quarterly progress reports and the Phase 2 Topical Report for the project (links to project reports are provided in the Additional Information section below)

Project Start: October 1, 2006
Project End: July 16, 2011

Project Cost Information:
Phase 1 - DOE Contribution:     $3,624, Performer Contribution: $1,004
Phase 2 - DOE Contribution: $320,010, Performer Contribution: $114,613
Phase 3 - DOE Contribution: $331,135, Performer Contribution: $107,630
Phase 4 - DOE Contribution: $356,049, Performer Contribution: $110,489
Phase 5 - DOE Contribution: $259,335, Performer Contribution: $114,363
Planned Total Funding (if project continues through all project phases):
DOE Contribution: $1,270,153, Performer Contribution: $448,099

Contact Information:
NETL – John Terneus ( or 304-285-4254)
Rice University – Dr. George Hirasaki ( or 713-348-5416)

Additional Information
In addition to the information provided here, a full listing of project related publications and presentations as well as a listing of funded students can be found in the Methane Hydrate Program Bibliography [PDF].

2008 ICGH Paper - Relating Gas Hydrate Saturation to Depth of Sulfate-Methane Transition [PDF]

2008 ICGH Paper - Effect of Overpressure on Gas Hydrate Distribution [PDF]

2008 ICGH Paper - Production Strategies for Marine Hydrate Reservoirs [PDF]

Topical Report [PDF-3.92MB] - June, 2008

Quarterly Report [PDF-1.68MB] - January 1, 2008 - March 31, 2008

Quarterly Report [PDF-429KB] - October 1, 2007 - December 31, 2007

Quarterly Report [PDF-417KB] - July 1, 2007 - September 31, 2007

American Journal of Science Article [PDF-1.66MB] - June, 2007

Quarterly Report [PDF-395KB] - April 1, 2007 - June 30, 2007

Kick-off meeting presentation [PDF-701KB] - January 9, 2007