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The National Methane Hydrates R&D Program
DOE/NETL Methane Hydrate Projects

Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrates Joint Industry Project (JIP) Characterizing Natural Gas Hydrates in the Deep Water Gulf of Mexico - Applications for Safe Exploration Last Reviewed 12/08/2008


Develop technology and data to assist in the characterization of naturally occurring gas hydrates in the deep water Gulf of Mexico (GOM) with the intent to create a better understanding of the impact of hydrates on safety and seafloor stability, provide data that can be used by scientists in their study of climate change, and provide data to assess if and how gas hydrates act as a trapping mechanism for shallow oil or gas reservoirs.

Chevron Energy Technology Company –
   Joint Industry Partnership (JIP) partner, overall project management, Drilling and Coring team leader
Schlumberger Oilfield Services – JIP member, Technology Transfer team leader
Halliburton Energy Services – JIP member
ConocoPhillips Inc. – JIP member, Hydrate Characterization team leader
Total – JIP member
Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation – JIP member
Reliance Industries Ltd. – JIP member
StatoilHydro - JIP Member
Texas A&M University - JIP Member
Korean National Oil Company (KNOC) - JIP Member
Minerals Management Service – non-cost-share JIP member, Seafloor Stability team leader
Scripps Institute of Oceanography – Science lead
Naval Research Lab – Pre-cruise site geochemical and thermal investigation
United States Geological Survey – A variety of contributions to the overall science program
Georgia Institute of Technology –
   Pre-cruise laboratory studies; development of new ship-based sampling equipment
AOA Geophysics - contribution to seismic evaluation and field site selection and characterization
Aumann & Associates Inc. - pressure coring tool evaluation and design
Rice University - Geologic Modeling

Prime Contractor - Houston, Texas 77082
Subcontracts - Throughout United States
Field Activity – Gulf of Mexico

This project is developing technology and data to assist in the characterization of naturally occurring gas hydrates in the deep water GOM. The project reflects industry’s desire to more fully understand the safety issues related to conventional oil and gas operations (drilling, producing, gathering oil and gas) in areas prone to hydrate occurrence. The ability to safely drill the surface hole, set surface casing, and maintain the integrity of the surface pipe as the entire well is drilled is of primary importance.

photo of the research vessel Uncle John

The semi-submersible research vessel "Uncle John"

In addition, the project seeks to improve industry’s ability to detect and characterize subsurface hydrates prior to drilling so that hydrate-bearing sediments can be avoided or safely managed where avoidance is not feasible or necessary. These goals necessitate the utilization of advanced seismic processing methods, the collection of samples to improve the validity of the assumptions that drive seismic interpretations, the determination of hydrate’s impact on wellbore stability, and the development of new field sampling methods capable of providing the needed data.

Potential Impact

map of the Gulf of Mexico

Map of the Gulf of Mexico

Over the past half-century, the oil and gas industry has steadily marched into deeper and deeper waters of the Gulf of Mexico in search of oil and gas. As these wells progress further out into the realm of hydrate, assurance of the safety of the men and women who work offshore is of paramount importance. In addition, inefficiently dealing with the safety issues posed by hydrates adds significant costs to deep-water operations. Success of this project promises to remove one of the most poorly-understood risks currently facing the full realization of the nation’s deepwater oil and gas potential. In addition, the activities undertaken in the project will significantly advance hydrate science and the technologies employed in studying hydrates in the field, providing valuable tools and insights to researchers on many fronts of the methane hydrate issue, including hydrate’s role in global climate and its long-term potential as a supply source for natural gas.

In May 2005 the JIP completed a 35-day cruise to analyze and sample hydrate-bearing sediments at two sites in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico. The following is a list of activities and accomplishments of the project leading up to, including and following this cruise:

  • Conducted two workshops to define industry and academic research needs (March and May 2002)
  • Conducted an extensive array of laboratory studies on the physical and mechanical properties of fine-grained, hydrate-bearing sediments.
  • Photo of core analysis device

    Core Analysis Device

    Produced and field tested an array of new tools designed to enable ship-based analyses of field samples, including coring devices, transfer chambers, and analysis devices capable of handling and maintaining cores under in-situ pressures.
  • Obtained and analyzed a large donation of seismic data from WesternGeco, and conducted a variety of geophysical/geochemical and other surveys (with the USGS and NRL) to select Atwater Valley 14 and Keathley Canyon 195 for field study
  • Maintained a website to support the coordination of activities and update the public on progress
  • Conducted a cruise that collected an outstanding suite of well-logs and borehole seismic through the hydrate stability zone, and collected over 200 m of core.
  • Photo of core stored for analysis

    Core Stored for Analysis

    Documented the existence of hydrates at both locations, with significant volumes present at the Keathley Canyon site.
  • Furthered the development of pressure core analysis capabilities by supporting the analysis of pressure cores taken during the Indian government's Summer 2006 expedition.
  • Conducted a series of public and project workshops throughout 2006 to set the criteria for selection, and to recommend, possible sites for additional field expeditions.
  • Published a comprehensive scientific cruise report (link below)
  • Compiled a set of scientific papers resultant form Phase 1 and 2 activities for future publication in a peer reviewed scientific journal
  • Completed detailed seismic and well log data evaluation and interpretation for the preliminary Phase III field sites recommended as a part of project Phase 2.

Phase 2 of this project was completed in September 2007 and activities were conducted to initiate Phase 3. Phase 3 was formally implemented October 1, 2007. Since the completion of Phase 2, the following activities have been conducted in preparation for and/or as a part of project Phase 3.

  • Completed solicitation of potential subcontractors for carrying out anticipated activities required to conduct a project Phase 3 consisting of field activities and analyses targeting hydrate bearing sands in the Gulf of Mexico
  • Worked with DOE to develop and put in place a Phase 3 project plan, associated budget and Phase 3 award modification.
  • Completed review and seismic assessment of preliminary site recommendations for project Phase 3 and established a site selection team to evaluate other potential Phase III sites. The site selection committee made recommendations in October 2007 that the project proceed forward with sites in Alaminos Canyon 818, Walker Ridge 313, and Green Canyon 955. Seismic analyses for all three sites were completed and specific hole locations recommended. The AC818 site has since been removed from consideration due to anticipated operational complexities at the site.
  • Shallow hazard analysis and MMS permitting for proposed drill sites is currently underway.
  • Completed efforts to select and secure lease rights for a drill ship as well as required drilling and logging equipment for use in planned Phase IIIA activities planned for Summer 2008.

Current Status
Activities under Phase 2 have been completed. Full release of cruise data, as well as a special volume of peer-reviewed publications are anticipated for release in 2008. Project Phase 3A was initiated October 1, 2007. Activities under Phase 3 are divided into two major field deployments and associated supporting activities. Phase 3A involves planning, analysis, modeling and tool development in preparation for the two part field program, the conducting of the first field program (to include a drilling/logging cruise in 2008) and associated follow on analyses and reporting. Phase 3B will involve the planning and carrying out of a separate hydrate coring cruise in 2009 and the follow on analyses, interpretation and dissemination of information generated as a result of project activities. All field activities within Phase 3 are specifically targeting hydrate occurrence in sandy horizons within the deepwater Gulf of Mexico .

Work to date under Phase 3A has accomplished site selection and ship / equipment lease as well as detailed scientific and operational planning for the summer 2008 drilling / logging expedition. Final operational planning, permitting and hazards analyses are currently being finished up in preparation for the expedition anticipated to begin by mid-July. It is now anticipated that the expedition will include evaluation of projected hydrate occurrence in sandy horizons within sites at Green Canyon 955 and Walker Ridge 313. Originally proposed locations at Alaminos Canyon 818 have been removed from consideration for the 2008 expedition due to operational complexities and potential safety concerns with the sites.

Project Start: September 30, 2001
Project End: September 30, 2010

Project Cost Information:
Phase 1: DOE Contribution:$1,504,855, Recipient Contribution: $3,260,772
Phase 2: DOE Contribution:$10,992,620 , Recipient Contribution: $5,613,664
Planned Phase 3: DOE Contribution:$21,473,522 , Recipient Contribution: $1,521,830 (To Date, DOE Phase 3 obligation = $12,109,888) Planned Total Funding (if project continues through all project phases):
DOE Contribution: $33,970,997, Performer Contribution: $10,396,266

Contact Information:
NETL  – Rick Baker ( or 304-285-4714)
Chevron Energy Technology Company   - Emrys Jones (281) 596-2269

Additional Information:
In addition to the information provided here, a full listing of project related publications and presentations as well as a listing of funded students can be found in the Methane Hydrate Program Bibliography [PDF].

Semi-Annual Report April 2008 - September 2008  [PDF-265KB]

Semi-Annual Report October 2007 - March 2008  [PDF-933KB]

2008 ICGH Paper - Designing a Reservoir Flow Rate Experiment for the GOM Hydrate JIP Leg II LWD Drilling [PDF]

2008 ICGH Paper - Site Selection for DOE/JIP Gas Hydrates Drilling in the Northern Gulf of Mexico [PDF]

2008 ICGH Paper - Subsurface Characterization of the Hydrate Bearing Sediments Near Alaminos Canyon 818 [PDF]

2008 ICGH Paper - Observed Gas Hydrate Morphologies in Marine Sediment [PDF]

2008 ICGH Paper - Constraining Gas Hydrate Occurrence in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope: Fine Scale Analysis of Grain-Size in Hydrate-Bearing Sediments [PDF]

2008 ICGH Paper - The Impact of Hydrate Saturation on the Mechanical, Electrical, and Thermal Properties of Hydrate-Bearing Sand, Silts, and Clay [PDF]

2005 GOM Final Cruise Report  [PDF-6.13MB]

Chevron JIP website - [external site] JIP information, cruise reports, and photos

Well Logs from the 2005 GOM Cruise [external site - Chevron JIP]

Results of Core Sample Analysis - Fugro Operations and Geotechnical Investigations [PDF-7.13MB]

Semi-Annual Report April 2007 - September 2007  [PDF-6.83MB]

Semi-Annual Report October 2006 - March 2007  [PDF-829KB]

Semi-Annual Report April 2006 - September 2006  [PDF-428KB]

Semi-Annual Report October 2005 - March 2006  [PDF-6.39MB]

Semi-Annual Report April 2005 - September 2005  [PDF-2.16MB]

Semi-Annual Report October 2004 - March 2005  [PDF-1.68MB]

Cruise Logging Report [PDF-1.12MB]

Spring 2005 GOM expedition website - includes science reports and a photo gallery

Measurements for Assessment of Hydrate Related Geohazards [PDF-151KB] DOE Topical Report for DOE Award Number DE-FC26-01NT41330. September 2004.

Measurements for Assessment of Hydrate Related Geohazards [PDF-194KB] - September, 2004

Protocols for Seismic Data Acquisition and Processing to Characterize Natural Gas Hydrate Deposits in Deepwater [PDF-137KB] DOE Topical Report for DOE Award Number DE-FC26-01NT41330. March 2004.

Theoretical Modeling and Analysis fro Gas Hydrate Quantification from Prestack Seismic Data in the Northern Deepwater Gulf of Mexico [PDF-15.5MB] - November, 2003

Gulf of Mexico Joint Industry Project [PDF-3063KB] - October, 2003

Results from the DOE Methane Hydrate R&D Conference and the Chevron JIP Workshop
[PDF-183KB] - November, 2003

Characterizing Natural Gas Hydrates in the Deep Water GOM [PDF-1295KB] - semiannual report - March, 2003

Fossil Energy techline: New Projects to Explore Energy Potential, Safety Issues of Methane Hydrates

Peer-Reviewed Publications:
Cooper, A., and P. Hart, 2003, High-resolution seismic-reflection investigation of the northern Gulf of Mexico gas-hydrate-stability zone, Marine and Petroleum Geology, Volume 19, p. 1275-1293.

Dai, J., H. Xu, F. Snyder, and N. Dutta, 2004, Detection and estimation of gas hydrates using rock physics and seismic inversion: Examples from the northern deepwater Gulf of Mexico, in Taylor, C., and J. Kwan, eds., Advances in the study of gas hydrates, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, p.117-139.

Francisca, F., T. Yun, C. Ruppel, and J. Santamarina, 2005, Geophysical and geotechnical properties of near-surface sediments in the Northern Gulf of Mexico gas hydrate province, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 237, p. 924-939.

Francisca, F., J. Santamarina, and C. Ruppel, 2003, Gas hydrate in porous sediments, Experimental evidence for interparticle cementation, Geophysical Research Letters.

Hutchinson, D., P. Hart, C. Ruppel, F. Snyder, and B. Dugan, in review, Seismic and thermal characterization of a bottom simulating reflection in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, in Collett, T., A. Johnson, C. Knapp and R. Boswell, eds., Natural Gas Hydrates, Energy Resource and Associated Geologic Hazards, The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Hedberg Special Publication.

Hutchinson, D., C. Ruppel, H. Roberts, R. Carney, and M. Smith, 2005, in press, Gas hydrates in the Gulf of Mexico, in Holmes, C., ed., Gulf of Mexico—Its Origin (History, Archaeology, and Geology), Volume 1, Texas A&M University Press.

Lee, J., T. Yun, C. Santamarina, and C. Ruppel, Observations related to tetrahydrofuran and methane hydrates for laboratory studies of hydrate-bearing sediments [PDF-449KB], Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems Journal, Volume 8, Number 6, June, 2007.

Ruppel, C., N. Driscoll, E. Jones, and T. Collett, in preparation, Initial Science Results of the March 2005 Gas Hydrate Field Program, U.S. DOE/Chevron Gulf of Mexico Joint Industry Projects, Marine and Petroleum Geology.

Waite, W., C. Ruppel, and S. Kirby, 2006, Comment on “Thermal and visual time-series at a seafloor gas hydrate deposit on the Gulf of Mexico slope,” by I. MacDonald, L. Bender, M. Vardaro, B. Bernard, and J.M. Brooks [Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 233 (2005) 49_59], Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 245, 481- 482.

Yun, T., F. Francisca, J. Santamarina, and C. Ruppel, 2005, Compressional and shear wave velocities of uncemented sediment containing gas hydrate, Geophysical Research Letters 32, L10609, 2005. (DOI: 10.1029/2005GL022607).

Yun, T., G. Narsilio, and J. Santamarina, in review, Physical characterization of Gulf of Mexico sediments, Marine and Petroleum Geology.

Yun, T., G. Narsilio, J. Santamarina, and C. Ruppel, in press, Instrumented pressure testing chamber for characterizing sediment cores recovered at in situ hydrostatic pressure, Marine Geology.

Yun, T., J. Santamarina, and C. Ruppel, in review, Mechanical properties of sand, silt, and clay containing synthetic hydrate, submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research.

Government Reports:
Coffin, R., J. Gardner, J. Pohlman, R. Downer, and W. Wood, 2004, Methane hydrate exploration, Atwater Valley, Texas-Louisiana shelf: geophysical and geochemical profiles, Naval Research Laboratory Report.

Coffin, R., J. Pohlman, K. Grabowski, D. Knies, and R. Downer, 2004, Keathley Canyon, August 2003 Gulf of Mexico piston coring tested for prediction of hydrate exploration: Naval Research Laboratory Report.

Collett, T., 2005, Cruise Report: ChevronTexaco Gulf of Mexico JIP drilling program: downhole logging program, DOE-NETL Topical Report.

Evans, J., D. Fornari, L. Gilbert, M. Boyle, and J. Dougherty, 2005, Archive of raw bottom photographs collected during cruise P1-04-GM, northern Gulf of Mexico, June 21-24, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1285, available online (click here - external site).

Hart, P., D. Hutchinson, and M. Lee, 2005, High-resolution seismic-reflection data acquired in the northern Gulf of Mexico, 2003, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1411, available online (click here - external site).

Holditch, S., and E. Jones, 2004, Protocols for seismic data acquisition and processing to characterize natural gas hydrate deposits in deepwater, U.S. DOE Topical Report, Award Number DE-FC26-01NT41330, available online (click here - [PDF-137KB]).

Holditch, S., and E. Jones, 2002, Results from the Data Collection Workshop, Modeling Workshop, and Drilling and Coring Methods Workshop as a part of the Joint Industry Participation (JIP) Project to characterize natural gas hydrates in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico, U.S. DOE Topical Report, Award Number DE-FC26-01NT41330.

Jones, E., 2007, Characterizing Natural Gas Hydrates in the Deep Water Gulf of Mexico: Applications for Safe Exploration and Production Activities, U.S. DOE Semi-Annual Report, October 2006–March 2007, available online (click here - [PDF]).

Jones, E., 2006, Characterizing Natural Gas Hydrates in the Deep Water Gulf of Mexico: Applications for Safe Exploration and Production Activities, U.S. DOE Semi-Annual Report, April 2006–September 2006, available online (click here - [PDF]).

Jones, E., 2006, Characterizing Natural Gas Hydrates in the Deep Water Gulf of Mexico: Applications for Safe Exploration and Production Activities, U.S. DOE Semi-Annual Report, October 2005–March 2006, available online (click here - [PDF]).

Jones, E., 2006, Characterizing Natural Gas Hydrates in the Deep Water Gulf of Mexico: Applications for Safe Exploration and Production Activities, U.S. DOE Semi-Annual Report, April 2005–September 2005, available online (click here - [PDF]).

Jones, E., 2006, Characterizing Natural Gas Hydrates in the Deep Water Gulf of Mexico, Applications for Safe Exploration and Production Activities, U.S. DOE Semi-Annual Report, October 2004–March 2005, available online (click here - [PDF]).

Kleinberg, R., and E. Jones, 2004, Measurements for assessment of hydrate related geohazards, U.S. DOE Topical Report, Award Number DE-FC26-01NT41330, Chevron Energy Technology Company, 30 pp., available online (click here - [PDF]).

Schlumberger, 2003, Theoretical modeling and analysis for gas hydrate quantification from pre-stack seismic data in the northern deepwater Gulf of Mexico, U.S. DOE Topical Report, Award Number DE-FC26-01NT41330, Chevron Energy Technology Company, 130 pp., available online (click here - [PDF]).

Shipboard Science Party, 2006, Cruise Report for the Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Joint Industry Project: Covering the cruise of the drilling vessel Uncle John Mobile, Alabama to Galveston, Texas Atwater Valley Blocks 13/14 and Keathley Canyon Block 151, 17 April to 22 May, available online (click here - [PDF]). Individual sections listed below alphabetically by author.

Collett, T., Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate JIP Drilling Program Downhole Logging Program.

Conte, A., and B. Bloys, Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrates Joint Industry Project Operational Summary of 2005 Drilling and Coring Program.

Dugan, B., Geomechanical Characteristics of Sediments from Atwater Valley and Keathley Canyon, Northern Gulf of Mexico.

Hippe, F., Geotechnical Investigation, Chevron Gulf of Mexico Hydrates JIP, Results of Core Sample Analysis Standard and Advanced Laboratory Testing, Report No. 0201-5081, prepared by Fugro-McClelland Marine Sciences for Chevron Energy Technology Company.

Kastner, M., G. Claypool, and G. Robertson, Pore Water Geochemistry--2005 Gulf of Mexico JIP Cruise.

Lorenson, T., J. Dougherty, and G. Claypool, Natural Gas Geochemistry—2005 Gulf of Mexico JIP Cruise.

Ruppel, C., and J. Santamarina, Preliminary Results: Georgia Tech Instrumented Pressure Testing Chamber Deployed on JIP Gas Hydrate Drilling Program in Gulf of Mexico, April to May 2005.

Schultheiss, P., M. Holland, and J. Roberts, Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrates Joint Industry Project Pressure Coring and Core Logging.

Snyder, G., L. Hubbard, B. Dugan, and G. Dickens, Total iodine, bromine, and barium concentrations in pore waters from the Atwater Valley area, Gulf of Mexico: Preliminary results from the Gas Hydrates JIP Cruise.

Other Publications:
Claypool, G., 2005, Joint industry project (JIP) Gulf of Mexico gas hydrate coring update, U.S. DOE-NETL Fire in the Ice Newsletter, Summer.

Dai, J., H. Xu, F. Snyder, and N. Dutta, 2004, Detection and estimation of gas hydrates using rock physics and seismic inversion; e examples from the northern deepwater Gulf of Mexico, The Leading Edge, Volume 23, p. 60-66.

Hart, P., D. Hutchinson, and B. Dugan, 2003, USGS conducts deepwater gas hydrate research cruise in the northern Gulf of Mexico, U.S. DOE-NETL Fire in the Ice Newsletter, Fall.

Jones, E., and S. Holditch, 2004, Characterizing natural gas hydrates in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico, Yokohama, Japan, Proceedings, Fourth International Symposium on Methane Hydrates.

Birchwood, R., 2005, Wellbore Stability Model for Marine Sediments Containing Gas Hydrates, Houston, TX, American Association of Drilling Engineers National Drilling Technology Conference, April 5-7.

Boswell, R., 2006, U.S. DOE/Chevron Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrates Joint Industry Project, Washington, DC, Meeting of the Methane Hydrates Federal Advisory Committee, November 8.

Boswell, R., 2006, U.S. DOE/Chevron Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrates Joint Industry Project, Washington, DC, Meeting of the Methane Hydrates Federal Advisory Committee, April 24.

Coffin, R., J. Gardner, J. Pohlman, R. Downer, and W. Wood, 2005, Methane Hydrate Exploration, Atwater Valley, Texas-Louisiana Shelf: Geophysical and Geochemical Profiles, Victoria, BC, Canada, Fourth International Methane Hydrate Research and Development Workshop, May.

Coffin, R., J. Pohlman, W. Wood, J. Gardner, R. Plummer, and J. Gettrust, 2005, Geochemical Evaluation of Piston Core Porewater on Atwater Valley, Gulf of Mexico, Variation in Vertical Methane Gradients, San Francisco, CA, EOS, American Geophysical Union, December 5-9.

Collett, T., A. Conte, L. Loh, H. Hoong, D. Goldberg, 2005, Preliminary analysis of the downhole of Mexico Gas Hydrate JIP cruise, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2005, paper OS31D-02, San Francisco, CA, December 5-9.

Cook, A., D. Goldberg, and R. Kleinberg, 2006, Cohesive strength of gas hydrate-bearing marine sediments, The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting, April 9-12.

Dai, J., N. Dutta, and H. Xu, 2006, Gas hydrate estimation using rock physics modeling and seismic inversion, Baltimore, MD, American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly, May 23-26.

Dai, J., R. Kleinberg, H. Xu, and N. Dutta, 2005, Rock physics models of gas hydrates and their implications in seismic detection, Houston, TX, Offshore Technology Conference, May 2-5.

Dai, J., H. Xu, F. Snyder, and N. Dutta, 2004, Detection and quantification of gas hydrates in the Gulf of Mexico: An integrated five-step workflow, 66th European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Paris, France, June 7-10.

Dai, J., H. Xu, F. Snyder, L. Muller, A. Koesoemadinata, D. Gillespie, G. Wool, and N. Dutta, 2004, Physical Rock Properties of Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediments, Geophysical Modeling, Inversion and Quantitative Volumetric Estimation in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, Dallas, TX, The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting, April 18-21.

Dai, J., R. Kleinberg, H. Xu, and N. Dutta, 2004, Seismic Detection and Quantification of Gas Hydrates, Vancouver, BC, Canada, The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Hedberg Conference, September 12-16.

Dutta, N., J. Dai, and X. Haibin, 2004, Seismic detection and quantification of gas hydrates in the Gulf of Mexico, Florence, Italy, Second International Geological Conference, August 23-27.

Dutta, N., R. Kleinberg, J. Dai, and H. Xu, 2005, Natural gas hydrates estimation using seismic inversion and rock physics, New Orleans, LA, American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting 2005, May 23-27.

Dutta, N., H. Xu, and J. Dai, 2005, Seismic detection and quantification of gas hydrate using rock physics and inversion, New Delhi, India, PetroTech, January 15-19.

Dutta, N., 2005, Emerging technology application aimed at characterization of gas hydrates and free gas underneath BSR, Second International Congress on Geosciences in Petroleum Industry, AMGE, September 4-7.

Dutta, N., J. Dai, and H. Xu, 2004, Seismic detection and quantification of gas hydrates in the Gulf of Mexico, Florence, Italy, 32nd International Geological Conference, August 23-27.

Dutta, N., L. Muller, J. Dai, and R. Utech, 2003, Seismic detection of gas hydrates, The American Association of Petroleum Geologists International Conference, Barcelona, Spain, September 21-24.

Dutta, N., 2004, Gas hydrates – detection and quantification for resource assessment and risk mitigation, Houston, TX, Global Energy Forum, Rice University, October 12.

Hagen, R., J. Gardner, and W. Wood, 2004, Thermal Measurements Over Hydrate Mounds in Atwater Valley, Gulf of Mexico, San Francisco, CA, American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting, December 13-17.

Hart, P., D. Hutchinson, G. Dugan, M. Fowler, W. Wood, F. Snyder, N. Dutta, R. Coffin, J. Gardner, R. Hagen, R. Evans, and D. Fornari, 2005, A multidisciplinary investigation of a deepwater gas hydrate mound, Atwater Valley, northern Gulf of Mexico, Victoria, BC, Canada, Fourth International Workshop on Methane Hydrate R&D, May 9-11.

Hutchinson, D., P. Hart, F. Snyder, M. Lee, N. Dutta, L. Muller, B. Dugan, C. Ruppel, W. Wood, R. Coffin, R. Evans, and E. Jones, 2003, Evidence of subsurface gas hydrate in the northern Gulf of Mexico, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 8-12.

Hutchinson, D., C. Ruppel, J. Pohlman, P. Hart, B. Dugan, F. Snyder, and R. Coffin, 2004, An integrated geological, geophysical, and geochemical analyses of subsurface gas hydrates in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Vancouver, BC, Canada, The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Hedberg Research Conference, September 12-16.

Hutchinson, D., F. Snyder, P. Hart, C. Ruppel, J. Pohlman, W. Wood, R. Coffin, and M. Edwards, 2005, Geologic and site survey setting for JIP Gulf of Mexico gas hydrate drilling, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 5-9.

Hutchinson, D., C. Ruppel, J. Pohlman, P. Hart, F. Snyder, N. Dutta, B. Dugan, and R. Coffin, 2005, Geophysical and geochemical characterization of the hydrate stability zone in a region of active salt tectonics, Keathley Canyon, Northern Gulf of Mexico, Victoria, AB, Canada, Fourth International Hydrates Conference, May 2005.

Hutchinson, D., P. Hart, C. Ruppel, F. Snyder, N. Dutta, W. Wood, J. Pohlman, B. Dugan, M. Fowler, R. Evans, D. Fornari, and R. Coffin, 2005, Multidisciplinary studies contrasting gas hydrate occurrence at two sites in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Offshore Technology Conference, May 2-5.

Hutchinson, D., T. Collett, C. Ruppel, and H. Roberts, 2006, invited, Heterogenetigy and dynamics in gas hydrate occurrence: lessons learned from the northern Gulf of Mexico, Kauai, HI, Science and Technology Issues in Methane Hydrates Research and Development, March 5-9.

Hutchinson, D., C. Ruppel, T. Collett, J. Pohlman, P. Hart, and F. Snyder, 2006, Minibasins and subsurface gas hydrate in the Gulf of Mexico, Fukuoka, Japan, 17th International Sedimentological Congress, August 27-September 1.

Jones, E., 2006, Overview of GOM JIP Leg 1 Drilling, Kauai, HI, ECI Science and Technology Issues in Methane Hydrate R&D, March 5-9.

Jones, E., 2005, Pre-cruise Estimates of Sediment Properties for the 2005 Chevron et al Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Research Coring Project, Vancouver, BC, Canada, The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Hedberg Research Conference, September 12-16.

Jones, E., and S. Holditch, 2005, Pre-cruise Estimates of Sediment Properties for the 2005 Chevron Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Research Coring Project, Houston, TX, Offshore Technology Conference, May 2-5.

Lorenson, T., J. Dougherty, J., G. Claypool, 2005, Preliminary results from the Chevron Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrates JIP: Hydrocarbon Gases in Sediments, paper OS42A-04, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2005, December 5-9.

Pohlman, J., C. Ruppel, D. Hutchinson, P. Hart, R. Plummer, D. Kniew, K. Grabowski, and R. Coffin, 2005, The effects of mass deposition, gas flux and salt diapirs on surface sediment geochemistry in Keathley Canyon (northern Gulf of Mexico), American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 5-9.

Pohlman, J., W. Wood, T. Boyd, R. Coffin, C. Ruppel, D. Hutchinson, P. Hart, and B. Dugan, 2004, Interstitial sulfate gradients as indicators of gas hydrates: How reliable are they?, Florence, Italy, International Geological Conference, August 20-28.

Ruppel, C., D. Hutchinson, B. Dugan, and P. Hart, 2004, Predicting the subsurface distribution of gas hydrate in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, The American Association of Petroleum Geologists, AAPG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, April 18-21.

Santamarina, J., T. Yun, J. Lee, A. Martin, F. Francisca, and C. Ruppel, 2005, Mechanical, thermal and electromagnetic properties of hydrate-bearing clay, silt, and sand at various confining pressures, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 5-9.

Santamarina, J., F. Francisca, T. Yun, J. Lee, A. Martin, and C. Ruppel, 2004, Mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties of hydrate-bearing sediments, The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Hedberg Research Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, September 12-16.

Santamarina, J., C. Ruppel, J. Lee, T. Yun, F. Francisca, and A. Martin, 2005, Physical Properties of Hydrate Bearing Porous Sediments, Trondheim, Norway, Fifth International Conference on Gas Hydrates, June 13-16.

Smith, M., 2004, Seismic Prediction and Operational Results for Gulf of Mexico Wells in Gas-Hydrate Areas, Vancouver, BC, Canada, The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Hedberg Research Conference, September 12-16.

Smith, M., and W. Shedd, 2004, Effects of Gas Hydrate on Seafloor and Borehole Stability in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico – Seismic Prediction and Drilling Results, Dallas, TX, The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting, April 16-21. Smith, M., W. Shedd, and J. Hunt, 2003, Identification of Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrates – From Seismic Prediction to Joint Industry Project Drilling and Coring, Barcelona, Spain, The American Association of Petroleum Geologists International Conference, September 21-24.

Smith, M., W. Kou, A. Ahmed, and R. Kuzela, 2005, The Significance of Gas Hydrate as a Geohazard in Gulf of Mexico Exploration and Production, Houston, TX, Offshore Technology Conference, May 3.

Snyder, F., L. Muller, N. Dutta, D. Hutchinson, P. Hart, M. Lee, B. Dugan, C. Ruppel, W. Wood, R. Coffin, R. Evans, and E. Jones, 2004, Seismic analysis and characterization of gas hydrates in the northern deepwater Gulf of Mexico, Dallas, TX, The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting, April 16-21.

Snyder, F., 2005, Seismic analysis and characterization of gas hydrates in the northern deepwater Gulf of Mexico, Dallas, TX, The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting, April 16-21.

Winters, W., W. Waite, I. Pecher, D. Mason, D. Hutchinson, L. Gilbert, R. Birchwood, S. Noeth, and E. Jones, 2004, Comparison of methane gas hydrate formation on physical properties of fine- and coarse-grained sediments, Vancouver, BC, Canada, The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Hedberg Research Conference, September 12-16.

Wood, W., P. Hart, R. Coffin, J. Gardner, and J. Gettrust, J., 2005, High Resolution Seismic Images of the Gulf of Mexico Joint Industry Program Drilling Transect, San Francisco, CA, American Geophysical Union, December 5-9.

Wood, W., D. Hutchinson, P. Hart, F. Snyder, C. Voss, N. Dutta, L. Muller, M. Lee, J. Gardner, B. Dugan, C. Ruppel, R. Coffin, R. Evans, and E. Jones, 2003, Constraints on Subsurface gas and gas Hydrate Distribution in a Gulf of Mexico Mound, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 8-12.

Wood, W., J. Gardner, R. Hagen, R. Coffin, J. Pohlmann, P. Hart, and D. Hutchinson, 2004, Modeling heat and fluid flux of seafloor mounds in the Gulf of Mexico, Transactions, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 13-17.

Yun, T., G. Narsilio, J. Lee, J. Santamarina, and C. Ruppel, 2005, Physical properties of a Keathley Canyon pressure core maintained at in situ pressure and measured in a new instrumented pressure testing chamber, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 5-9.