National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1332] Re: Creating a Professional Development Plan Online

Wendy Quinones teacherwendyq at
Fri Oct 5 11:59:07 EDT 2007

Marian and all,
Sorry to be late responding. I tried making a PD plan, and had to quit and
save because I felt quite overloaded with what it was asking me to do. I
set up 4 competencies, but now I think I will go back and reduce it to two.
That in itself is a useful exercise -- seeing what I could realistically fit
into my schedule at the moment. I also agree with Tim that breaking good
intentions down into manageable tasks helps us actually accomplish them.

I also forwarded the TISA to several administrators where I work. The
trouble is that in Massachusetts, at least, we are all so overloaded with
paperwork and student testing and accountability tasks that both teachers
and administrators just groan when any new materials come up, however useful
they may be. My learning center has everyone develop a professional
development plan, so I think this assessment may be useful in the future --
arriving as it did in the chaos of beginning a new term, just when PD plans
are due, wasn't the best timing! We have been making a big push for
teachers to use more technology, so I think that with time to integrate it
into our regular PD process, it would be well-received and extremely useful.

Wendy Quinones

On 10/3/07, Marian Thacher <mthacher at> wrote:


> Another aspect of the Technology Integration Self-Assessment is the

> ability to create your own professional development plan. I hope some of you

> have had a chance to take a look at this feature.


> Once you have completed the assessment, you can proceed to choose a few

> competencies that you'd like to learn more about this year. (We encourage

> people not to choose more than four, because to learn a new skill or area

> takes time.)


> The steps are:

> - Choose the competencies you want to work on

> - Choose the learning strategies you will use for each competency

> - Choose or add your own objectives

> - Add a timeline or due date for each objective


> Once these steps are completed, you can save or print your plan, and

> choose to receive montly email reminders if you wish.


> This is a new way of planning professional development. What do you think?

> Would you use an online professional development plan? Can you see teachers

> going back to update and edit the plan a few times during the year? Is a

> professional development plan something you might share with colleagues?

> Work on as a group? Share with your administrator?


> I don't want to send an attachment to the list, but if you would like to

> see a sample of the professional development plan, email me off list and I

> will send you one.


> Marian

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> Marian Thacher, OTAN

> mthacher at

> P.O. Box 269003

> Sacramento, CA 95826-9003

> (916) 228-2597



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