National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1314] Re: State and program use of the TISA

Marian Thacher mthacher at
Tue Oct 2 11:29:32 EDT 2007

Good question, Mariann. For the program level, an administrator can create
an account and invite teachers to take the assessment. I see this as a
planning tool for professional development. Let's say you invite 10
teachers to take the assessment. When they register they will have an
option to share their results with you. If they do so (by checking a box),
you can see individual assessment results and professional development
plans. But even if they don't, you will see aggregated results for those
10 teachers. There might be a certain competency area that you clearly
would want to focus on for some professional development.

You could also ask teachers to complete a professional development plan
and email it to you, to be part of their professional goals for the year.
For teachers, the plan provides an option to be reminded at the beginning
of each month by email of things they planned to complete that month. Most
teachers so far have liked that option.

If you wanted to have separate results for different groups of teachers,
you could simply create separate admin accounts in order to do that.

Theoretically, the same could be done on the state level. We haven't
programmed this capability, but several states have inquired about it, and
I'm hoping that if there is enough interest we will be able to do that in
the near future.

Marian Thacher, OTAN
P.O. Box 269003
Sacramento, CA 95826-9003
(916) 228-2597
The Technology and Literacy Discussion List <technology at> on
Tuesday, October 02, 2007 at 7:55 AM -0800 wrote:

>Hello Marian and all,


>Marian, my question is about how the technology integration

>Self-Assessment can be used effectively at the individual teacher level,

>the program level and perhaps at the regional or state level. What would

>be a way you would suggest program manager’s or state ed. directors think

>about using this tool to enhance program performance?





>Mariann Fedele


>NYC Regional Adult Education Network

>Literacy Assistance Center



>NIFL Technology and Literacy Discussion List

>32 Broadway 10th Floor

>New York, New York 10004


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