National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1092] Your advice

Steve Quann steve_quann at
Wed Jun 20 13:54:06 EDT 2007

Hi all,

I might have missed mention of such recently but Heide's work reminded
me that I have wanted to update my knowledge about new sites/tutorials
out there that would enable adult students to learn basic computing,
word processing, email, internet etc. online. (I am particulary
interested in sites that help folks *become comfortable * using the
Internet and Word. I know there have been suggestions in the past. Which
do you now think are the best out there?

Has anyone tried LearningLine, and if so what do you think? If you
haven't I'd still be curious on your take. Note: pop up blockers need to
be off.

I'd also be interested to know of anyone's experience with the online
Microsoft digital literacy project for basic computing and whether you
think it is applicable to those in or getting ready to transition to
community college.

Thank you very much!
Steve Quann
World Education

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