National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 828] Re: Suggestions for good blogs

Cindy J Holden gradplan1 at
Fri Feb 2 17:46:04 EST 2007

Thank you, Alan G, for sending links to your blog. It looks interesting, and
I plan to read through later this evening. I also hit the send button
prematurely - forgetting to identify myself yesterday in a post to this
listserve. Here is try number 2 (oh the humanity)

I have reactivated a blog that I started as a grad school assignment
(Marlboro College - Masters in Teaching with Technology). The conversation
currently is around educational leapfrogging in Vermont and the ways
technology makes that possible (or not). I would love to have guest blog
entries from people with fresh ideas for drop out recovery programs
especially - but all ideas related to teaching and technology can be
The social networking that is so important to success for youth is also
important for me - but I find I have to push myself to get started.
I do not fit the blogger stereotype you so aptly describe - I am a single
working mother from a hill tribe village and the only member of my family to
attend college (so far). My blog:


Cindy Holden
High School Liaison
Southern Vermont

On 2/1/07, Gerstle, Alan <Alan.Gerstle at> wrote:


> This is a follow-up to my previous e-mail regarding technology blogs

> with a focus on education. I hit the send button too quickly (which is

> an ironic action indicative of some of the anti-technology stances I

> hold. But here are the links I had planned to include from my blog

> , now in operation for about a year.






> ives/2004/essay/rap_sheet_mouse.asp








> Feedback is welcomed if done in a constructive spirit!


> Alan Gerstle


> -----Original Message-----

> From: technology-bounces at [mailto:technology-bounces at]

> On Behalf Of Steve Quann

> Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 12:26 PM

> To: technology at

> Subject: [Technology 823] Re: Suggestions for good blogs


> I find the Literacy Tech blog good for what's happening/what's new.





> Steve Quann

> World Education

> 44 Farnsworth Street

> Boston, MA

> 617.482.9485



> >>> <laferlazzo at> 1/29/2007 4:03 PM >>>


> Hi, Everybody,


> I was wondering if people had suggestions of blogs that are particularly

> good for ESL teachers and others that might relate ESL to technology.


> One blog that I particularly like, even though it's not directly

> connected to ESL, is the Web Savvy Educator

> ( . I've found a number of useful posts in

> it.


> Larry Ferlazzo


> -----Original Message-----

> From: ejonline at

> To: technology at

> Sent: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 12:36 PM

> Subject: [Technology 816] National Reading Conference



> Research Award Opportunity


> National Reading Conference - J. Michael Parker Award


> The National Reading Conference awards the J. Michael Parker Award to

> encourage

> research in adult literacy. The award is given to graduate students and

> untenured professors who present research on adult learning or education

> at the

> annual conference. Recipients of the award will receive $300 towards

> their

> conference expenses and will be recognized during a general session of

> the

> conference. The award was established in 2001 in honor of J. Michael

> Parker,

> winner of National Reading Conference's Student Research Award.


> The call for papers is available online now at When

> submitting your proposal please indicate that you will be applying for

> the J.

> Michael Parker Award (noted at the bottom of the personal information

> page).

> Applicants will be required to submit the full paper (25 pages or less)

> electronically by October 1st, 2007. Committee members will rate the

> submissions on the following criteria:


> 1. The research is capable of making a significant contribution to

> theory

> and/or practice of adult learning and instruction.


> 2. The methodology is appropriate to the research question and of

> sufficient

> rigor.


> 3. Implications of the research are of a scope needed to impact the

> field.


> I encourage you to apply to the conference and for the award. If you

> have any

> questions, please feel free to contact me at the address below.


> Thank you.


> Erik Jacobson, Chair

> NRC J. Michael Parker Award

> jacobsone at


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