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Introduction to License Renewal

Reactor License Renewal Decision

The NRC decides whether to grant a renewed license after completing its review.

On this page:

Agency Decision

An agency decision on the License Renewal Application will be made upon completion of the review. This includes

  1. Safety Review completion including issuance of the following documents:
    1. Safety Evaluation Report
    2. Regional Inspection Report
    3. ACRS Recommendation Letter
    4. Regional Administator's Letter
  2. Environmental Review completion including issuance of the Supplement to the Generic Environmental Impact Statement, and
  3. Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB) Hearing completion, if required

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Issuance of a Renewed License if Approved

  1. A renewed license will be of the same class as the operating license currently in effect.
  2. A renewed license will be issued for a fixed period, which is the sum of the additional amount of time beyond the expiration of the operating license (not to exceed 20 years) that is requested in a renewal application plus the remaining years on the operating license currently in effect. The term of any renewed license may not exceed 40 years.
  3. A renewed license will become effective immediately upon its issuance, thereby superseding the operating license previously in effect. If a renewed license is subsequently set aside upon further administrative or judicial appeal, the operating license previously in effect will be reinstated unless its term has expired and the renewal application was not filed in a timely manner.
  4. A renewed license may be subsequently renewed in accordance with all applicable requirements.

For additional information, see Continuation of CLB and Conditions of Renewed License.

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Verification of Implementation

  • Implemented through Inspection Procedure 71003 PDF before or shortly after the beginning of the period of extended operation
    • Objectives:
      • To verify that license renewal programs and activities have been implemented in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 54
      • To verify, on a sample basis, that outstanding commitments identified at the time a renewal license was granted have been met.
      • To verify, on a sample basis, whether the licensee has made any amendment to the original license renewal application (LRA) describing any changes that materially affect the contents of the original LRA
      • To verify, as appropriate, that the summary description of the aging management programs and activities are contained in the FSAR supplement
      • To verify, as appropriate, that the description of the programs are consistent with the programs implemented by the licensee

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007