U.S. Representative Stephanie Herseth Sandlin - South Dakota
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News from Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin
For Immediate Release
Contact: Betsy Hart, 202-226-8555


February 13, 2008, Washington, DC- U.S. Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin made the following comments today following developments in Farm Bill negotiations with the White House:

“As someone who is committed to passing a new farm bill this year, rather than playing the same old political games, I am glad that Chairman Peterson is directly confronting the obstacles we have before us in negotiating with the President. It’s unfortunate that the White House has threatened to veto the very strong versions of the farm bill that have passed the House and Senate. But I believe him when he says he will veto it – and I also believe that we can come to a compromise that, while not perfect, puts us in a much better position than we would be next year at this time.

“It's clear that there are more worthy programs in the farm bill than there are dollars to fund them. Unfortunately, in the tight budget environment we face – and a clear veto threat from the administration – tough decisions must be made in order to ensure that the final version of the farm bill not only passes the House and the Senate, but gets signed by the President.

“I’m disappointed that the president has drawn this line in the sand because it will mean drastic cuts to farm programs that will ultimately shortchange American agricultural producers. Despite these new budget limits, however, I will continue advocating for the needs of South Dakota’s farmers and ranchers so we can ensure the continued success of our state's vibrant agricultural and rural economies.

"If there's one thing we have all learned well through this process of drafting a farm bill, it's that no group is going to get every single thing it wants. The announcement made by Chairman Peterson and Ranking Member Goodlatte today demonstrates their commitment to good policy over partisanship and I commend them for working to negotiate a compromise on the farm bill that will be acceptable to the White House. By all indications, the new budget numbers due out in about a month will likely mean even fewer resources available to fund a farm bill that adequately meets the needs of our producers. Therefore, it is imperative that we act quickly to avoid leaving important farm programs in limbo and to avoid working in an even more constrained budget environment down the road.”



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331 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2801
Fax: (202) 225-5823
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326 East 8th Street, Suite 108
Sioux Falls, SD 57104
Phone: (605) 367-8371
Fax: (605) 367-8373
Toll Free: (866) 371-8747
Rapid City

343 Quincy Street
Rapid City, SD 57702
Phone: (605) 394-5280
Fax: (605) 394-5282


121 Fourth Avenue SW, Suite 1
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Phone: (605) 626-3440
Fax: (605) 626-3441