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Contact: Sharon P. Axson (843) 747-4175

December, 2006 Newsletter

"Farewell to 2006"


Charleston, SC, Dec 27, 2006 -  

New Year's Eve is a time for celebration and merriment as we say farewell to the old year and ring in the new. As we celebrate the arrival of 2007, I'm asking each of you to heed the message to drink responsibly and never drink and drive. On behalf of the Congressional Stop DUI Caucus, I encourage you to "make the right choice" about alcohol - and if you're under the age of 21, the only responsible decision is not to drink. One death is too many.

Our mild late December weather may lull us into a sense of complacency concerning the increased exposure to influenza. It's not too late to get your flu shot. While the first cases are just being diagnosed in South Carolina, neighboring states are reporting increasing numbers of flu and flu-related illnesses. Contact your physician or pharmacy for vaccine availability or use the American Lung Association's locator at

December 31st marks the end of open enrollment for the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan. Everyone with Medicare, regardless of income, health status, or prescription drugs used, can get prescription drug coverage. . If you do not become eligible until after this date, you can enroll without penalty. My offices are available to assist you with this program and answer your questions concerning any penalty for late enrollment. You can also get helpful information via the internet at or by phone at 1-800-MEDICARE.

Earlier this month, Senator Lindsey Graham and I were joined by representatives of the Veterans Administration, the Medical University of South Carolina and members of our local veteran community to provide an update on collaborative activities between these two outstanding healthcare providers. The House and Senate agreed to include $36.8 million in the Veterans Benefits, Health Care and Information Technology Act to move forward with advanced planning for a co-located joint-use medical facility as recommended by the VA's Collaborative Opportunities Steering Group last August. This shared approach to delivery of medical care for our veterans is ground-breaking, and will be successful as long as we remain true to the distinct identity of the VA.

For the first time next month, anyone traveling by air between the United States and Canada, Mexico or the Caribbean will need a passport. These new rules, which also include Bermuda, Central and South America, take effect January 23, 2007. If you have questions about these regulations or need assistance in expediting a passport application, please contact one of my offices. Forms are available at

We sadly note the passing of former President Gerald Ford. Before serving as Vice President and President, he was a respected leader of Congress who represented the constituents of his Michigan district for many years. As we celebrate his life and mourn his passing, our prayers and condolences are with the Ford family

The 2007 calendars have been mailed. It's a handy resource to keep on your refrigerator or by your phone. If you did not receive your 2007 calendar with the helpful toll-free government phone numbers, let us hear from you and we'll send one out.

Your thoughts and opinions are important and help me do a better job of representing you. I have assembled a hard-working staff of dedicated professionals to provide the best constituent service possible. We are happy to assist you with any problem concerning federal matters and are here to work for you. Call any of my offices or refer to my web site for the best way to contact me. The address is .

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