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Contact: Sharon P. Axson (843) 747-4175

June, 2006 Newsletter

Summer Fun in the Carolina Sun


Washington, Jun 26, 2006 -  

The sun, the sand, and the surf -- These are three of the best things about living along the coast of South Carolina. The First Congressional District comprises more than 75% of the state's coastline. We all love coastal living and easy access to our beautiful beaches. We've become accustomed to the dangers of too much sun. Skincare precaution has become a standard part of our days spent outdoors. However, we can't ignore the hazards that lurk offshore. All too often, we are hearing of the beachgoers who have ignored the posted rip current warnings. When possible, swim at beaches with lifeguards. Also, learn how to respond if you are caught in a rip current. For more information, go to the National Weather Service's Southern Region Headquarters at or

We have officially entered the 2006 Hurricane Season. As I mentioned in the May Newsletter, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security encourages you to take some simple steps now to prepare your family, home and business for this new hurricane season. Take the time to review your family's personal plans in the event of a weather threat. Review your insurance coverage, update your household inventory, and familiarize yourself with the available evacuation routes. Most importantly, all able-bodied Americans should have the resources necessary to sustain themselves for 48 to 72 hours after a disaster so that emergency personnel can focus on saving those who cannot help themselves. For more information, go to

I continue to work in your bests interests to see that our country moves in the right direction toward energy independence. A slight downturn in gasoline prices should not divert our attention as to the importance of this issue. The House is expected to take up the Deep Ocean Energy Resources (DOER) Act this week. The DOER Act would allow more of our massive energy resources to be produced in the deep seas on the outer-continental shelf (OCS). The measure passed the House Resources Committee last week and offers a balanced common-sense approach that grants coastal states unprecedented power to prevent production within 100 miles of their coastlines while enabling the U.S. to produce energy in the deep waters beyond. For more energy news, I hope you'll take the time to read "Energy Alert" which is posted on my website.

Earlier this month, as Chairman of the Veterans' Affairs Health Subcommittee, I chaired an oversight hearing to examine ongoing efforts to maintain the security and integrity of our veterans' health records. While no health-related data was involved in the compromise of personal data on nearly 27 million veterans, that incident heightened our awareness of potential vulnerability. Any veterans or dependents are welcome to contact my offices with questions. Veterans can also go to as well as to get more information on this matter. They may also call the VA toll-free number -- 1-800-FED INFO (333-4636) from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. (EDT), Monday-Saturday.

Other legislative news within the past month includes the passage of The Permanent Estate Tax Relief Act to reduce estate taxes and gift taxes. Americans who have worked their whole lives to pass on the fruits of their labors should not have their estates unnecessarily taxed. This measure will also aid small business owners and farmers as they pass on their life's work to their families. The House also passed the Legislative Line-Item Veto Act to give the President and Congress an effective tool to target and remove wasteful and unnecessary spending items in completed bills. The legislation now moves on to the Senate.

As always, I look forward to hearing from you. The resources of my offices are available, if I may be of assistance concerning any federal matter. Refer to my web site for the best way to contact me. The address is

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